
Anybody got any yet?

None here yet but its freezing!

none in mansfield, its very sunny though.

The east coast Skeggy Had a covering this morning, still snowing on and off

Had plenty here since yesterday, you should see all the 4x4 drivers thinking they look really smug with 2 inches of snow on the ground.

Not snowing yet, but blooming cold on a motorbike, brrr. I have ice on my fish pond too.

could be a good day to retire to thepub :stuck_out_tongue:

Had plenty here since yesterday, you should see all the 4x4 drivers thinking they look really smug with 2 inches of snow on the ground.

not jealous are you :laughing: :laughing:

id rather not have any snow , monday is going to be hard work if the country decided to redecorate itself white

Snowing as I type here in SW France, in fact I’ve never seen it so often here as this winter. Usually it disappears pretty quickly but one day it settled and stayed all day and through the next night. Only a couple of centimetres but the local kids had a ball.

Salut, David.

Plenty here. A good 3 inches this morning. It’s been doing sunshine then more snow all day. :cry:

None down here on the South Coast (Yet!!)

Heanor - Broken Cloud, Windy, Cold & Clear, Kids keep looking out the window wishing it would hurry up!

nothing in lancs as yet

none in sunny barnsley yet :smiley:

no snow in leicester nice n sunny bloomin cold though

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

We have about a foot on the ground with another foot expected overnight :laughing: :laughing:

Pat Hasler:
:lol: :laughing: :laughing:

We have about a foot on the ground with another foot expected overnight :laughing: :laughing:

But for you that’s a light dusting, isn’t it?

None here in Shropshire either - yet

Not had any snow here in Rotherham yet. I was in the
back garden earlier and it was warm and the sun was

As Lucy said we have had quite a lot but all the roads are clear, so its just a problem dodging the snow balls on the way to the pub! :smiley:

Just a warning to all those who haven’t been out in snow yet.

The most important thing to remember is…

don’t eat the yellow stuff :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

none in north devon…