Snow going anywhere boss

Few trucks stuck in the snow (coming up hill)

Me stuck (trying to go up hill)

almost got stuck up top of that hill (dead end) but u turn round and back in and load

(Very scary when you slide back down the hill and the brakes don’t stop you)

my boss said: get a shovel and some grit lol had to have a big digger pull me up the hill

had a fun day in luton yesterday…coming down the A1 from linconlshire it was like entering another world, lincs had no snow but as soon as you got to black cat roundabout and headed towards the M1 it suddenly appeared…

my first drop yesterday nice covering of snow, the rest of the didnt look promising :exclamation: :confused:

second drop and it’s still snowing :open_mouth: :frowning:

3rd drop and the snow stops for a bit, traffic was light yesterday which made my reverse easier. :smiley: :smiley:

could not get up this for love nor money, could not get any traction as i went up the dropped kerb. and once i had been on it, it just compacted and turned to ice meaning any further attempts were a waste of time, even rocking it didnt work.

they forgot to grit this road at my next call :exclamation: :imp:

a gritter arrives to clear the hill of snow and ice, yay :grimacing:

you cant see my trye tracks as the snow covered them up again :exclamation: :open_mouth:

can you spot the road :question:

follow the tyre tracks i guess :exclamation:

I got stuck in the car park at one of the hotels I deliver to today :imp: :imp: :imp:
Cleared the snow from around the wheels no luck
Tried rocking back and forth still no luck
So I came up with a great idea, I grabbed a load of towels out of one of the cages and chucked them under the wheels, Sorted :grimacing: :grimacing:

I got stuck in the car park at one of the hotels I deliver to today :imp: :imp: :imp:
Cleared the snow from around the wheels no luck
Tried rocking back and forth still no luck
So I came up with a great idea, I grabbed a load of towels out of one of the cages and chucked them under the wheels, Sorted :grimacing: :grimacing:

and then re-fold them and put them back in the pack, was nightmare yesterday delivering to hotels on top of hills, what stupid place to build them :unamused: :laughing:

you drive a rigid with an additional rear drive axel or just normal one :question:

Warren T. Claim:
Told not to bother going to work today. Half an hour before I was due in! What is the position for agency workers who have been stood down so close to your booking in time?

There’s a technical term for that…tough ■■■■■!

Heres a good tip for you for coping with losing traction in the snow. Always carry some Neat Winter Windshield washer fluid, I have 2 5 litre bottles i carry in my truck.
The reason being, You can pour it around your drive wheels to melt the snow / ice and get down to good tarmac to get you moving again.
This was shown to me by some seasoned winter drivers over here, and to be honest i was sceptical until i saw it work :smiley:

Cruise Control:

I got stuck in the car park at one of the hotels I deliver to today :imp: :imp: :imp:
Cleared the snow from around the wheels no luck
Tried rocking back and forth still no luck
So I came up with a great idea, I grabbed a load of towels out of one of the cages and chucked them under the wheels, Sorted :grimacing: :grimacing:

and then re-fold them and put them back in the pack, was nightmare yesterday delivering to hotels on top of hills, what stupid place to build them :unamused: :laughing:

you drive a rigid with an additional rear drive axel or just normal one :question:

:laughing: :laughing: then charge them extra for the tyre prints.
I drive one with just a single rear drive axle.
I had 2 hotels on my route today which have had not had a delivery for a while because the other driver chickened out :laughing: :laughing:
both had really dodgy hills covered in snow and ice :open_mouth: I had second thoughts about doing them but thought ■■■■ it risk it for a biscuit. Managed the first hotel fine just a bit of powesliding :sunglasses: the second was not as smooth, I drove down the hill into the carpark but when I started reversing back up the hill i got about 3/4 of the way up and lost traction :imp: I just gave it loads of revs for about 5 mins and it slowy started creeping up the hill.

Also it was nice and warm on the way to work as well :unamused: