Smoking in Company Vehicles

I moved in with Mrs Bigvern1 four years ago. She smoked when I met her and she quit 18 months later. She started again last year and I contracted the disease I have which plays havoc with my lungs. (Related?) Anyway. It’s her house, yet she sits outside in all weathers to smoke. I never moaned she just took it upon herself to do this.However, she has promised to try and quit when I hit the road and am not there for the next 3 weeks. So good luck to her. I hate smokers just for the record. Selfish ■■■■■■■■■ :imp:

but the passive smoking may have given you/us cancer, if for instance you worked with asbestos and that as also given you/us cancer, at least the families concerned may have access to compensation ect in the asbestos case

tbh i,m with you, i dont mind smokers as long as they have some consideration, its the ones who have been =smoking for years and no one is going to stop me brigade…

I think we should stop anyone from doing anything that anyone else doesnt like! I dont like other people breathing, in any way, shape or form.

The anti smoking brigade are out in force as per usual, how many of you lot are ex smokers i wonder :unamused: .

Worst thing is the smell is on the steering wheel then it gets on your hands and your eating your pieces and your hands are humming of smoke :cry:

This 100%

I use scented wipes to wipe down the steering wheel but that’s still not enough and also use hand-gel to get the smell off. But that doesn’t always work so for the really bad steering wheels, I have latex gloves. It may look a little weird but at last my hands aren’t stinking of smoke when I go to eat a sandwich.

Smokers…a pox on you all as the only good smoker is a dead smoker.

lets keep the posts civil folks, going over the top with your comments will only mean you’ve wasted your time writing them as they will be removed :wink:

The anti smoking brigade are out in force as per usual, how many of you lot are ex smokers i wonder :unamused: .

I don’t mind a smoke when I have a drink, I don’t mind drivers having a smoke when they use my truck as long as they respect that I have live in it when I get bk after time off, what I don’t like doing is having to get rid of ■■■ ash from my dash, bed etc and their s##t when I get back in my own time, would you? I very much doubt it, if you do then you are a fool to yourself.

Message to ROBROY…im alive..still here...unfortunately..with no comment, im in a good mood, and do not want to upset anybody…gotta go now…off for a ■■■. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I don’t drive a car, I walk everywhere I go because its environmentally friendly.
I do object to car drivers blowing carbon monoxide out of their exhaust at me though as I happily skip along the pavement.
I would prefer to be in a closed room with a load of chain smokers than a load of motorists, reckon I would live longer that way, it only takes about 10 mins to die from carbon monoxide poisoning.
how many who moan about smokers also drive a car :question:
they should pass a law banning that too

I have to say I must be held responsible for the smoke ban in truck cabs. I once got sent to a yard for a night run, possible sleep over around 1999. The truck looked well from the outside but on entering it I was nearly sick. The ceiling of the cab was black with nicotine as was the seats. Me walking back to the office and saying stick the job or give me another truck was hilarious. They thought I was taking the pish until they took a look inside the cab. It cost the Haulage firm a pretty penny loosing that trip. There’s no way I could have worked in that never mind sleep in it. And the pet hair thing previous post, I can relate too, as my Son’s chest gets tight when he breathes in animal smell/dust mites. Will there be a future peanut ban :astonished:

I have to say I must be held responsible for the smoke ban in truck cabs. I once got sent to a yard for a night run, possible sleep over around 1999. The truck looked well from the outside but on entering it I was nearly sick. The ceiling of the cab was black with nicotine as was the seats. Me walking back to the office and saying stick the job or give me another truck was hilarious. They thought I was taking the pish until they took a look inside the cab. It cost the Haulage firm a pretty penny loosing that trip. There’s no way I could have worked in that never mind sleep in it. And the pet hair thing previous post, I can relate too, as my Son’s chest gets tight when he breathes in animal smell/dust mites. Will there be a future peanut ban :astonished:

I very much doubt that your possible sleepover in 1999 had anything whatsoever to do with the smoking in public ban 12 yrs later but if you want to imagine it did, then who am I to disturb your dreams :smiley:

The anti smoking brigade are out in force as per usual, how many of you lot are ex smokers i wonder :unamused: .

Probably most of them; ex-smokers are the worst non-smokers.

I’m an ex-smoker, but I find the odour of burnt tobacco and/or cannabis much more pleasing to the nostrils than the stench of another man and/or his dog. :smiley:

The anti smoking brigade are out in force as per usual, how many of you lot are ex smokers i wonder :unamused: .

well ive never touched a cigarette, however both my parents were heavy smokers, chain smokers really, both died of smoking related cancer, my mom when i was 13 my dad a few years later, I now have regular checks at docs as according to doc I am a prime candidate for cancer. if i get into a vehicle that as been smoked in, or any confined space my breathing will change and I can feel/be physically sick. yes i have friends that smoke but they do it outdoors ect, as ive said before i dont mind people smoking as such and believe there should be smoking and non smoking pubs and restaurants, but i want a choice, and many smokers dont think a non smoker should have a choice…

I once went on holiday, but before I went I stuck a no smoking sticker on the dash , the bloody chap who drove my wagon turned the sticker over and smoked all week, and flicked ash every where . :open_mouth:

So I guess the answer is, they are just self centered selfish people who don’t give a fig as long as they continue to get their fix.


The anti smoking brigade are out in force as per usual, how many of you lot are ex smokers i wonder :unamused: .

I don’t mind a smoke when I have a drink, I don’t mind drivers having a smoke when they use my truck as long as they respect that I have live in it when I get bk after time off, what I don’t like doing is having to get rid of ■■■ ash from my dash, bed etc and their s##t when I get back in my own time, would you? I very much doubt it, if you do then you are a fool to yourself.

Oh i totally agree, i wouldnt smoke in someone elses cab if they didnt.

I wonder which part of “its illegal to smoke in cabs” these idiots don’t understand? If we go on holiday and the agency/relief has smoked, we are told to refuse to drive the truck,and the truck is valeted at the expense of the smoker…


If you smoke in the truck with the window open and spray nuetradol after yourself and clean the stray ash, I don’t see the problem.

I wasn’t going to respond on this thread as it has been done to death that much it’s getting boring now, and I’ve bored the arses off you far too bloody often now (sorry! :blush: ) about my two pet hates ie [zb]s who smoke in MY cab if I’m off, and being expected to o/night park in a sh.hole lay by (don’t anybody start a thread about smoking in other bloke’s cabs while o/n parked in a lay by ffs, I couldn’t handle it :laughing:)
So this was the post that made me bite :unamused: , so here goes. Look mate YOU are a smoker YOU won’t smell it, so YOU can’t see a problem, a whinging (beat you to it :wink: ) non smoker like me CAN smell it for [ZB]ING days after! while in my bunk/on my hands off the wheel/ on my clothes/ on my curtains when driving/etc/etc/etc!!! and it does my [ZB] swede in :smiling_imp: , …so mate,window open with nutradol, fabreze or a [zb]ing flamethrower it DOESN’T work end of, so I DO see a problem!!!
.Breathe out…ahhhhhh…and…relax. Feel better now :sunglasses: :laughing: :laughing:
It just needs Truckyboy to come on now about tearing people’s frilly curtains down and blowing smoke round their cabs for badness, to push me over the edge :laughing:

/\ +1

There’s a very famous post on TruckNet made by a HATO who claimed that he could smell if a truck driver was smoking on the motorway when he was following him at 56 mph and keeping a 100m gap.

Quite simply, fervent non-smokers can smell smoke everywhere, even in places where there isn’t any. It’s a form of mental illness.

OOH Gloria, i didnt think you cared, but thanks for the mention anyway, makes me feel famous, must admit that i think i can call myself retired, DVLA hasnt returned my licence, and its been there for 5 months, so i wrote and told them that i love frilly curtains, and smoking in trucks, but they still wont send the licence back, so i`m gonna miss that side of the job, even if it was as a part timer. What annoyed me most was, i had just bought a wood burning stove, only a small portable one, and stocked up with cheap foreign 4oz packs of old holburn, which i was looking forward to burning in the footwell, of each truck i drove, at least it would have given someone something to really moan about.

Back in the old days ( it has recently been shown that , there really was good old days, compared to today) the trucks we pioneered, often had oil cans in the footwell, ropes, chains, toggles, and a few tools, the floor was covered in oil, grease, mud, and all kinds of rubbish, which is why most drivers wore overalls, and hob nail boots. The driver today thinks hes on holiday, wants a clean cab, calls it his home, and has all the luxuries he can afford, our luxury was a radio, if it worked, that was a bonus, more often than not, it was a portable, wired to a 12v supply, and stuck on the dashboard. Most of todays drivers, wouldnt even get in to the industry back then, but then, most wouldnt want to. Nearly everyone smoked, hence ■■■ ash everywhere, no one slagged each other off, no mobiles, no internet, and hardly any tvs, no sleeper cabs, and all nighted out in digs, but we stuck together, mixed together, and had a good laugh, a few beers in the nearest pub, followed by a fish supper. Drivers today cant be bothered to get out of the poxy things, I asked one driver if he was going for a beer, his reply "Not at the minute, im watching corrie"…how pathetic…but i guess thats the way forward for most. Sorry if i upset you Gloria, with a few home truths, but those were the days i loved, so stick that in your pipe and smoke it…ha ha ha :laughing: