Smoking in Company Vehicles

i dont mind a driver smokeing a tab in my truck when im off as long as he leaves the window down,does’nt leave ash all over the cab and makes sure it does’nt smell like an ashtray when i come back. i once got back in my truck after 2 week off at xmas and ash was all over the dash,seat, and bed,i went ape [zb] and told our office staff if i came back to the cab looking like that i would be on the phone to enviromental health informing them i work for a company who does’nt enforce the smoking ban. i also hate tramps who have been in you’re truck and just leave it like a dump with rubbish all over,mud all over the floor,dash not cleaned and the truck not washed for when you get back. we’ve even had dirty [zb] leave bottles of ■■■■ in the cab and a couple of times drivers have returned to work to find ■■■■ bottles in their fridge! if that ever happend to me i’d find out who had been useing it and use him as a punch bag all over our yard. i always leave the truck in a fit state for drivers to use when im off,i expect the same in return.

yep…what about accumalations of flakey skin on top of the steering column…and dandruff all over the head rest…gross


i dont mind a driver smokeing a tab in my truck when im off as long as he leaves the window down,does’nt leave ash all over the cab and makes sure it does’nt smell like an ashtray when i come back. i once got back in my truck after 2 week off at xmas and ash was all over the dash,seat, and bed,i went ape [zb] and told our office staff if i came back to the cab looking like that i would be on the phone to enviromental health informing them i work for a company who does’nt enforce the smoking ban. i also hate tramps who have been in you’re truck and just leave it like a dump with rubbish all over,mud all over the floor,dash not cleaned and the truck not washed for when you get back. we’ve even had dirty [zb] leave bottles of ■■■■ in the cab and a couple of times drivers have returned to work to find ■■■■ bottles in their fridge! if that ever happend to me i’d find out who had been useing it and use him as a punch bag all over our yard. i always leave the truck in a fit state for drivers to use when im off,i expect the same in return.

yep…what about accumalations of flakey skin on top of the steering column…and dandruff all over the head rest…gross

well if they cleaned the dash,steering column indicators etc on there last shift it wouldn’t be there and as for dandruff on the headrest a good shower now and again would’nt go amiss.

so you have noticed it…it`s not just me

I wonder if any of the smokers out there could explain to me why, even though there are no smoking stickers in the trucks, even though your bosses tell you not to smoke in the trucks and even though it is illegal to smoke in the trucks. Why do people still do it and leave ash and smoke in the trucks for the next guy to endure.
Are they totally stupid and dont understand the law or is they are so selfish and just dont give a toss about anyone else as long as they get their deadly fix? I cant understand it, anyone care to enlighten me?

The smoking policy was introduced for a Smoke-Free environment so as not to breath in the so called deadly second-hand smoke :unamused: so if you are not travelling in the smoke filled cab don’t see what your problem is however if your problem is just the smell then that is another topic with other issues.

so you have noticed it…it`s not just me

i notice it a lot. i think some drivers seem to think the term “tramping” means they have to live like a tramp. i dont mind what a driver/drivers get upto in my truck when im off just as long as they respect that another driver lives in said truck 4-5 days a week when they get back. dont think thats too much to ask myself like mind you other people that use this forum may think otherwise

On a related topic, what about folks who smoke in loading/unloading areas? One drop I do in particular involves a good lift and a staircase. The site employees use the staircase as a smoking area. They DO NOT move out of the way to let you up and down to do the drop (its usually a dozen or so small rollcages). I could stand about waiting for them to finish, but usually when one gaggle goes in another comes out. The whole stairwell is quite enclosed and by jove does it stink once they are done. By comparison the occasional driver trying to give himself cancer whilst driving is not quite so bad, but still very irritating. Our firm are getting quite strict on it now as well.

Ron 59. The answer is in your last sentence, totally stupid,and selfish.

or is they are so selfish and just dont give a toss about anyone else as long as they get their deadly fix? ?


pure and simple.

next? :smiley:

If the cab I get in smells of ■■■■, the keys get handed back. :imp:

I’m allowed to smoke in my cab because it’s a Designated Smoking Area. :stuck_out_tongue:

I smoke an Electronic Cigarette in the cab when Im bunked down for the night. Other than that, it’s get out and puff huddled against the curtains to get out of the wind. The law is the law.

The smoking ban put a lot of people out of work, shut a lot of pubs down, reduced revenue to the government by god knows how much due to people quitting etc, it was an ill thought out and even worse excecuted ■■■■ up of huge proportions.

I reckon this thing about the smoking ban causing pubs to shut down is a load of crap, if smokers boycotted pubs how come that every pub I go to in the country has numerous smokers stood at the door or in a designated area, I reckon it’s more likely down to the artificially high price of a pint due to the government’s tax policies that is to blame, and the rates that the brewery charges publicans for rent etc is another reason. I also disbelieve your point about the mass amount of smokers quitting due to the smoking ban, admittedly a few will have, but not enough to reduce revenue to any amount that you have implied.

Harry Monk:
I’m allowed to smoke in my cab because it’s a Designated Smoking Area. :stuck_out_tongue:

gonzo likes this :laughing:

and its not about being old school or its my home its about being persicuted by the do gooders of this country sod em my truck is kept clean and tidy no ■■■ ends and when i do i have the window open and have an ashtray rather than use the truck one oh and never had one complaint or any issues with my truck


The smoking ban put a lot of people out of work, shut a lot of pubs down, reduced revenue to the government by god knows how much due to people quitting etc, it was an ill thought out and even worse excecuted ■■■■ up of huge proportions.

I reckon this thing about the smoking ban causing pubs to shut down is a load of crap, if smokers boycotted pubs how come that every pub I go to in the country has numerous smokers stood at the door or in a designated area, I reckon it’s more likely down to the artificially high price of a pint due to the government’s tax policies that is to blame, and the rates that the brewery charges publicans for rent etc is another reason. I also disbelieve your point about the mass amount of smokers quitting due to the smoking ban, admittedly a few will have, but not enough to reduce revenue to any amount that you have implied.


and the pubs that do food as well as restaurants, in majority of cases the numbers of customers have increased since the ban, majority of closures have been down to increased in rents ect by either the breweries,landlords or the councils…



The smoking ban put a lot of people out of work, shut a lot of pubs down, reduced revenue to the government by god knows how much due to people quitting etc, it was an ill thought out and even worse excecuted ■■■■ up of huge proportions.

I reckon this thing about the smoking ban causing pubs to shut down is a load of crap, if smokers boycotted pubs how come that every pub I go to in the country has numerous smokers stood at the door or in a designated area, I reckon it’s more likely down to the artificially high price of a pint due to the government’s tax policies that is to blame, and the rates that the brewery charges publicans for rent etc is another reason. I also disbelieve your point about the mass amount of smokers quitting due to the smoking ban, admittedly a few will have, but not enough to reduce revenue to any amount that you have implied.


and the pubs that do food as well as restaurants, in majority of cases the numbers of customers have increased since the ban, majority of closures have been down to increased in rents ect by either the breweries,landlords or the councils…

I’ll take your word on it, coincidence that it happened around the same time as the smoking ban.

Out of my friends, 50% have given up smoking, most of the others have significantly reduced their habit too, so I’m pretty sure the revenue has nose dived.

Now, where could they possibly put tax to try and regain some of that lost revenue? Fuel maybe? :unamused:




The smoking ban put a lot of people out of work, shut a lot of pubs down, reduced revenue to the government by god knows how much due to people quitting etc, it was an ill thought out and even worse excecuted ■■■■ up of huge proportions.

I reckon this thing about the smoking ban causing pubs to shut down is a load of crap, if smokers boycotted pubs how come that every pub I go to in the country has numerous smokers stood at the door or in a designated area, I reckon it’s more likely down to the artificially high price of a pint due to the government’s tax policies that is to blame, and the rates that the brewery charges publicans for rent etc is another reason. I also disbelieve your point about the mass amount of smokers quitting due to the smoking ban, admittedly a few will have, but not enough to reduce revenue to any amount that you have implied.


and the pubs that do food as well as restaurants, in majority of cases the numbers of customers have increased since the ban, majority of closures have been down to increased in rents ect by either the breweries,landlords or the councils…

I’ll take your word on it, coincidence that it happened around the same time as the smoking ban.

Out of my friends, 50% have given up smoking, most of the others have significantly reduced their habit too, so I’m pretty sure the revenue has nose dived.

Now, where could they possibly put tax to try and regain some of that lost revenue? Fuel maybe? :unamused:

it was in a trade magazine that I read whilst having a break at wetherspoons whilst delivering…

as my wife is a senior physio and as specialised in respiratory, although at the moment it cannot be proved as such, as many of the folk being treated for smoking related illness were/are heavy smokers, however it is estimated that those receiving treatment will dramatically reduce when the numbers of smokers reduce… so the lost revenue will equal itself out…

it pees me off when they flick there burning dogend out of the window!! straight at my screen,selfish tisspots,it shows how bad smoking is for you when you cant walk 10ft away from a door entrance to have one,you think its ok to blow your used smoke over anyone who walks past,still looking on the brightside you wont be around that long tara lossers cough cough

it pees me off when they flick there burning dogend out of the window!! straight at my screen,selfish tisspots,it shows how bad smoking is for you when you cant walk 10ft away from a door entrance to have one,you think its ok to blow your used smoke over anyone who walks past,still looking on the brightside you wont be around that long tara lossers cough cough

Good comment, like it :sunglasses: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

the worse bit, try going to york district hospital, the staff have to smoke off the grounds, so you see a load of fat smoking nurses,docs,ect just as you enter the hospital grounds then you get treated by the same staff who tell you to loose weight, take more exercise, in others cases to stop smoking, great advert!!

the worse bit, try going to york district hospital, the staff have to smoke off the grounds, so you see a load of fat smoking nurses,docs,ect just as you enter the hospital grounds then you get treated by the same staff who tell you to loose weight, take more exercise, in others cases to stop smoking, great advert!!

lol i deliver there

This has gone off track a bit and turned into a let’s knock the smokers theme, I have nothing against smokers, by best mate of 30+years is a smoker, the ■■■■■■■ has probably given me cancer with passive smoking but thats beside the point :laughing: , if a driver has the same motor all the time who gives a ■■■■ if he smokes, and when smoking was ok in pubs I didn’t much like it but accepted it. I can’t say I wasn’t pleased when the ban came in and at least now I don’t go home from the pub stinking, or back to the motor having to put my shirt out of the sunroof. The only smokers that ■■■■ me off are the ones who want to,and think it’s acceptable to smoke in my truck/car/house, end of, the rest can smoke themselves to death I aint bothered.