Smoking ban for drivers only.!?

Sainsbury’s, New Rye Park, last night - on bay, told Goods in person (goodsy) was off for a smoke (yes, yes, I know it is bad for me) - to be told that only staff could smoke on site, not drivers - discrimination, shirley?!

Children & drivers cannot be trusted with matches. Close cover before striking! :stuck_out_tongue:

thats not right that cnt smoke in cab cant smoke when u get to drop what a loada rubbish and dont call me shirley :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I’m allowed in the smoking areas at my tips, i’m just not allowed to take a cup of coffee with me for some bizarre reason.

I’m allowed in the smoking areas at my tips, i’m just not allowed to take a cup of coffee with me for some bizarre reason.

Sounds a bit like my place, drivers may not go up the stairs to the office above the transport office to get a hot drink, however they may not procure said beverage from the canteen and walk through the warehouse with it. Likewise it is strictly forbidden to park just outside the gate on the pedestrian crossing(that three people every eight hours uses) and go in the main entrance to get one from the canteen. And obviously you can’t walk through the gates and through the yard with your drink either. :unamused: :unamused: :imp: :imp:

well you cant be walking across yards with coffee now can you?