Smoking ban again


Yes, it has to be one of the severest cases of “Godwinning” I have seen in a long while!

You should change your name idiot, him and George W are responsible for the continuing war in irsrael insted of peace talks they are supplying weapons


I would not disagree with your take on the current situation in the Middle East, but evoking the Nazis or Hitler in a topic which has nothing to do with Nazism (such as smoking in the workplace) is known as “Godwinning”, or “reductio ad Hitlerum” see’s_law

Out of interest, if the people who smoked got hold of a brush and sprayed a bit of air freshner around, would that do the job?

Not legally, no.

No they don’t Mike. The Irish have sensibly exempted sleeper cabs from the ban, and the Scots don’t appear to be enforcing it on trampers, according to the drivers I have spoken to. We do a LOT of Scottish work and have the stickers in our cabs required by law up there. Only been pulled up on it once though, and that was in a distillery at Leven where they told me that even they didn’t care once the curtains were shut (I got stuck on their premises overnight).

Sorry i should of said, when i go to Ireland its on holiday fishing, same with Scotland,with the exeption of a night trunk to glasgow. So i meant it from a general point of view.

So legally, if the person who was driving didn’t know the previous driver had been smoking, then it wouldn’t help :wink:?

Christ on a Bike:

I would not disagree with your take on the current situation in the Middle East, but evoking the Nazis or Hitler in a topic which has nothing to do with Nazism (such as smoking in the workplace) is known as “Godwinning”, or “reductio ad Hitlerum” see’s_law

its ok V, some of us have been around usenet long enough to know about Godwin :wink:

Mike…Banning smoking in pubs, cafes, restaurants etc etc - anywhere that the air is shared, basically - I can accept as being fair.

In sleeper cabs inhabited by trampers and only occasionally used by anyone else, however, it’s outrageous.

I go to great lengths to ensure my personal safety when I’m up the road, and find the idea that I may now have to jeopardise that for the sake of a habit that hurts no-one but myself highly offensive.

Yeah, I should give up, I know. But as with any addiction, that isn’t going to happen until I[/i] am good and ready. And frankly, I have enough stress on my plate these days without adding to it by giving up my one release in life - I don’t even drink any more for god’s sake.
We’ve all got to draw a line somewhere, and this is where that line is for me. My cab is my HOME for most of the week. If I wish to smoke - a habit which is totally legal - at HOME, then I ■■■■ well will.

Where does it land you then, legally speaking?

oh, don’t get me wrong, i smoke too and don’t plan on giving up this side of contracting lung cancer. I never heard much from the scotch lads about it but i was in Ireland the day the ban was enforced and it was wierd. If someone was to have told you 10 years ago that you wouldn’t be able to smoke in a pub (never mind a lorry cab) you would of had them sectioned.

We’ve all got to draw a line somewhere, and this is where that line is for me. My cab is my HOME for most of the week. If I wish to smoke - a habit which is totally legal - at HOME, then I ■■■■ well will.

That’s my personal position on the ban too.

Their are only 2 ways I can see for you to get caught with this one. 1) If your boss sees you, doesn’t smoke and is in a strop that particular day.

  1. If your a mesy {zb] and don’t clear up after yourself.

In my opinion, you’ve only yourself to blame if your caught and done for it… Either through being stupid, or lazy. For the record, I think it’s a filthy habit and have never smoked :laughing::roll::wink:.

I’m a non-smoker and think the ban is an outrage :angry: . What’s wrong with common decency and consideration for others? If you’re in someone’s company and they want to light up then let them get on with it; I’m sure they’d be happy to oblige if you ask them politely if they’d mind blowing the smoke out away from them.

I personally think the ban over here is just to shut the do-gooders up and give them the legislation they’ve been whining for but in reality no enforcement of it will occur unless someone is blatantly taking the [zb].

Rob K:
I. What’s wrong with common decency and consideration for others?

Trouble is Rob, just like most motorists, a small minority of smokers have absolutley no consideration for others and it tars the rest with the same brush, so to speak :laughing:.

Uh-oh. I actually agree with Rob K on something. Not a good sign. :astonished: :laughing:

Anyway. The idea of banning something which will irritate millions is nothing new. Then again, this time they have stretched it somewhat. Years ago people thought smoking was a healthy thing to do. Now we know better so the morons running the EU come up with legislation for our own good, right?
It’s balls. They are making the ban because they, themselves, find it offensive and that is reason enough for them.
What Airhorn98 said is not far from the truth. They are running roughshod over the basic freedoms which the people have with no regard for the people themselves. This is dictatorship in a way. The populus elect the politicians to act on their behalf and with the populus’ wishes in mind. Not so they can do any damned thing they choose.
When one politician blows all his or her cash on fact-finding missions to massage parlours they vote for a payrise and the taxpayer pays up. When the government create thinktanks to find out whether the population will support a smoking ban in the workplace, do you really think they will go to Joe Bloggs trucking to poll the workers? Not a chance. They want the ban so they will go to Jerry Browns Extremely flammable chemicals co and ask them because they want the ban. They will go somewhere where they know the ban will fit, not somewhere where the people have different ideas.

Like Lucy and many others, my cab is my home more often than my house. I smoke like a chimney and will continue until I decide to stop. No snotty eton prep pillock will tell me I have to stop. It ain’t happening!

But, as Airhorn said, what will they ban next? I have no idea, but I am prepared to bet that even more people will be annoyed by it than before. On it will go.

I couldn’t possibly agree that it’s facism, but it’s control. Once the people are controlled they are cowed. Once they are cowed they are controllable and steerable. It’s brainwashing by degree and anyone who says that banning things in this manner is a good thing are already under the governments control. They are already cowed and will become nothing more than drones- ready to do their masters bidding.

I can’t live like that. I may not be the best at anything, but I try to live by a good set of standards. I smoke, drink and have been known to ■■■■ and belch on occasion. I suspect the British government will want to make it an offence to ■■■■ in lifts before long. They just don’t want us to have any fun!!

No wonder I left!

Can I just add something.
You may or may not notice the amount of civilians given uniformed jobs with the abillity to hand out fines for misdemeanors, parking attendants and out fines, enviromental wardens hand out fines, smoking wardens hand out fines.
What is that if not control

After this happensthey will be able to encroach on any of your freedoms, this the first the freedomof choice, next will bethe freedom of speech.

Youre a bit behind the times, airhorn - freedom of speech was stopped long ago. BTW, Lucy - what are these stickers that are compulsory when in Scotland, as I have one of my rare journeys up there on Tuesday, and dont want to fall foul of our Colonial friends :wink:

No smoking stickers that show both inside and outside the cab stating that the vehicle is No Smoking and giving a contact number if anyone see’s you having a ■■■ in it. No-one’s filled the name and phone number in on ours. If you only go up there occaisonally I’d have thought you’d be ok…we spend half our time in Scotland, and even then it took the firm weeks to bother putting them in and nothing was said. I think they’re a standard pattern dictated by the Government up there - you even see them on builder’s vans etc. :unamused:

I’m another non-smoker who believes that the extent of this legislation is just OTT, especially in dedicated vehicles, but to think that the majority of smokers will show the slightest consideration by blowing smoke away :unamused: is naïve in the extreme.
Will have to pause here, the paroxysme of coughing from the next room has made all concentration impossible :unamused: :smiling_imp:

However, that said, hysterical cries of fascism and comparisons with people who murdered and tortured millions, is even more OTT. It is still a democracy, if a party put up at the next election and promised to repeal the law, you could vote for it.

No smoking stickers that show both inside and outside the cab stating that the vehicle is No Smoking and giving a contact number if anyone see’s you having a ■■■ in it. No-one’s filled the name and phone number in on ours. If you only go up there occaisonally I’d have thought you’d be ok…we spend half our time in Scotland, and even then it took the firm weeks to bother putting them in and nothing was said. I think they’re a standard pattern dictated by the Government up there - you even see them on builder’s vans etc. :unamused:

If that were me I think I’d write in the samaritans phone number in that empty space for any sad arse who wanted to ring up and say someones smoking. :smiling_imp:

Many thanks for the info, Lucy - as Ill be coming back across the border tomorrow, I think Ill take the risk of getting caught :sunglasses: