Smashed windscreen, enough is enough!

on Wednesday, come off the M62 and onto Queens Drive, Liverpool, headinf for the docks. It was about 8.30am. Noticed a group of teenagers in school uniform, standing at side of road, as I passed them, one lifted his arm and threw a ‘fist’ sized rock at my truck.

Fortunately, it hit the nearside of the windscreen, with a loud bang, sending a huge spiders web of cracks across it. Now I was only travelling at about 25mph and without thinking hit the brakes, by the time, I had hauled up 44t and got out of the cab, the little darlings had legged it. Nobody else stopped and all I got was mouthfulls of abuse for stopping on the main road.

Anyway, I managed to identify the school and Merseyside Police were as good as gold, but needless to say the little piglets have got away, with it.

I have written to the headmaster of the school and await his reply.

I am also looking into starting a campaign, to highlight the dangers of throwing/dropping objects onto vehicles and wonder if any one on here can point me in the right direction?

I wasn’t injured this time, well apart from needing clean undercrackers, but how long before someone is or worse again?



ha ha ha lucky that when you stopped they wasnt in the trailer

If you remember, someone was, not that long ago either.

I can’t remember the entire details, off the top of my head but. A truck driver was cracking on down the motorway somewhere. Someones little darling dropped a lump of concrete off a motorway bridge which came straight through the windscreen. It didn’t injure the driver directly (as far as I remember) but it triggered a heart attack. The driver managed to get his wagon onto the hard shoulder, then he died. Someone will post a link to that story I’m sure.
His family have started a campaign to try and combat this problem, maybe you should have a look further back in the site Cornish Trucker. You can join there campaign instead of there being several different groups duplicating each others efforts.

Personaly I think these campaigns are a waste of effort. The little darlings know exactly what they are doing. Maybe they don’t realise the possible outcome of there actions, but they do know the immediate effects of a rock through a windscreen. Telling them about what might happen only lets them know that it works :imp: :imp: .

THIS is just a little about the same problem ,only the person whose
car was hit with stones died and the 3 young children received sentences
from 2-3 years in young offenders establishment here in Germany.We also
have had 1 or 2 incidents with persons shooting at cars and lorrys
I know they caught one of the people but I am not sure what sentence he
become from the trial.
The Traffic office with the police should do some sort of programme in
which it shows what can happen when the driver of a vehicle has the
windscreen broken by someone throwing a object into the screen.
With the use of stunt drivers etc and made as realistic as possible
with the consequences as well,then it may help to prevent some if not
all such incidents happening,

I think that there is already a death been reported on TruckNet. Their relative was killed in Liverpool by some kids who were bored :cry:

I had some ■■■■■■■■ throwing bricks off a bridge in Coalville at passing motorcyclists :open_mouth:

If you remember, someone was, not that long ago either.

I can’t remember the entire details, off the top of my head but. A truck driver was cracking on down the motorway somewhere. Someones little darling dropped a lump of concrete off a motorway bridge which came straight through the windscreen. It didn’t injure the driver directly (as far as I remember) but it triggered a heart attack. The driver managed to get his wagon onto the hard shoulder, then he died. Someone will post a link to that story I’m sure.

wasnt that the ford driver on the m3.

but there was a van driver that was hit and killed on the speke road near liverpool, his van careered down the road and overturned.
it’s just the same when it snows, the kids think it’s funny to throw snowballs at the side of your truck as you drive past them, it wouldn’t be so bad if they threw them at the trailer but they often throw them at the cab.

Here is the link and there is plenty more like this one
when you look.

The driver that died was Michael Little

The thing is these little oik’s dont even care about their own safety, let alone anyone elses.

I have had a 12 year old girl riding on the back of a 45ft reefer accross Vauxhall bridge, only found out when a police bike stopped me. I have also had teenagers writing on the side of a trailer on the north circular near the A5,but that time I jumped out grabbed one of them and wiped off the writing with his nose, I dont think he will be doing it again in hurry :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

Some little darlings in Norwich use to hide behind a car car parked opposite a junction & then as you slowly manoeuvred a bus round the junction they would grab the back & get a free skate ride down to the next junction.
The police did not care, what a surprise, so having got fed up & having an older bus with LOTS of tail swing & no passengers one day I took the next junction at a good pace & hit the hand brake sending the little sod across the road down a drive & into a garage door & at speed.
It was the last time they tried it with me.
I’ve been shot at by an airgun twice, had water bombs hit the windscreen whilst travelling at 30 mph down a bus lane in a busy city centre shopping area, again no help from the police.
I’ve also had a kerb stone thrown in front of the vehicle.
The problem is the police are not willing to treat these problems as a problem, or not until they involve injury or death at the very least.

happens everywhere and something does need to be done …

i legged some kids in notts after i got bricked …
blatantly stood by the side of the road and i just knew they were going to throw something, and they did stones and bricks up the side of the truck …
slammed the anchors on whipped the keys out and hottailed it after them …
didnt catch them little ■■■■■■■ , probably a good job i didnt …
and all i got when i got back was the driver behind me shakeing his head and moaning , he would have probably still moaned if i had blocked his way because i seriously injured or worse …
i did give that man a filthy dont say another word look :laughing:

Glad to hear you wasnt hert John

It really angers me :imp: . Im 16 and cant see what the fun is of throwing things off bridges, these people think their so hard,but they really need to get a life. I would never dream of throwing anything at anyone,especially Lorry Drivers, as i have respect for them.

I have had at least 3 incidents of this in the greater manchester area, normally off a bridge, and always phoned the police, as long as there is no injury they don’t want to know, but make it headline news, or treat it as a murder enquiry if the worst happens. There are also train drivers who have been killed, or seriously injured, and the police treat these incidents the same, I believe all these should be treated as attempted murder and fully investigated, and the offenders given a sentance to suit the crime.