Sleep apnoea

Anyone who gets tired during the day should watch this… … re=related

Sorry - I don’t know this person but thought it was a very good example of what sleep apnoea is like.
Does your partner complain that you are shaking the bed in your sleep?
Do you fall asleep everywhere?

My husband did and was diagnosed with sleep apnoea.

It was hell for a while - he was tired, I was tired, he couldn’t remember things. Eventually after falling asleep again at my mum’s she commented that he was always asleep and that he was making a right racket. She also commented that it sounded more like sleep apneoa than just tiredness.

After a sleep study he was diagnosed with Sleep apnoea and told he had to lose three stone… no chance that was like climbing up a huge mountain - restrict food - ha !!!

Anyway without his driving licence ( truck or car) he had to bike it everywhere. He got his cpap machine two days before we went on holiday. It was a nightmare trying to use it the first two nights and then in a hot country was even worse. He agreed to leave it until we got back home before trying to use it properly. Anyway we suddenly noticed that he wasn’t falling asleep mid sentence. When we got back he went straight to the doctor to let them know he was cured. They did another sleep study and agreed that by losing just a stone he had got rid of it.
Over two years later and he is still fine - but always knows that it can come back if he doesn’t watch his neck line !!!

We hadn’t realised how bad it was until we were talking about hubbies 40th birthday - and he doesn’t remember it at all. Some one mentioned Charles & Camilla and he said - oh yeah but they will never be allowed to get married. everyone turned and looked at him as if he was from another planet - he doesn’t remember them getting married. There is a big chunk of a few months when he can’t remember anything.

Be warned though - not only does it mess up your life because you are so tired, but you can cause who knows what kind of carnage if you fall asleep at the wheel of a 44 tonner.

Sleep apnoea is something we all should be aware of I had no idea that it was happening to me a few years ago. I knew I was stopping breathing because the severity of the gasping was waking me up but my mind wasn’t straight at the time, I was very very ill and having enough trouble getting through each day. An argument with repton (a member on here and now my fiance) resulted in me getting a blood test then panic stations as various autoimmune diseases came to light. Not only did the apnoea stop but I went from needing quite strong prescription glasses to barely having a prescription at all after my medication was sorted. I was driving when I was in that condition which is a terrifying thought.
Its with many thanks to a lot of friends on here that I now have a great quality of life but it could have been a very different story. :slight_smile: