Site problems this morning?

Did anyone else have problems with trying to get through to the site this morning? For me it would bring up the grey/silver background with the trucknetuk logo at the top but nothing else. I tried several times over a few hours and it only worked every so often.

It’s been all-right for me but then I wasn’t really been on much this morning.

Did anyone else have problems with trying to get through to the site this morning? For me it would bring up the grey/silver background with the trucknetuk logo at the top but nothing else. I tried several times over a few hours and it only worked every so often.

Not spotted that problem… :confused: :confused: :confused:

What Browser are you using?

It all working fine for me in IE8, Chrome, Opera and Firefox

Firefox with the latest update. it’s fine now, maybe it didn’t want to wake up this morning.