Site playing up?

Any ideas why on certain forums, newbie one and a couple of others all i get is this message pop up

General Error
Could not get style data


I’m getting on the PDF but no others at the moment. Hey ho, there’s always a certain hamster based website to while away a minute or two!

the maoster:
I’m getting on the PDF but no others at the moment. Hey ho, there’s always a certain hamster based website to while away a minute or two!

you cant even get a picture up :shock: how do you find anything else out :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yep, I’m getting that too…thought it was Tapatalk playing up but it seems to be happening on the PC as well.

me too :?:

This is all i get.

Yeah it’s ■■■■■■ for me too, obviously the Appleby Fair thread didn’t get enough hits and sponsorship is down, resulting in rubber cheques to pay for :frowning:

Any ideas why on certain forums, newbie one and a couple of others all i get is this message pop up

General Error
Could not get style data


Here too


And now the little post marker after the name of the person that’s posted last is missing :shock:

I see it’s been getting [maintainance]. Had it been getting “maintenance” it may have been sorted out sooner.

mine is back on but still not right.

mine is back on but still not right.

What issue are you having ?


mine is back on but still not right.

What issue are you having ?

I can access this forum, bullies and Euro, the rest of them I’m just getting a weird Trucknet page.

Like this…

Doh! Did a screen shot of what I’m getting but it won’t let me upload it.

Back on for me though but as being a newbie my most read forum (newbies section) is still not working.

Thanks for the info, we are looking into it, We are going to leave the site back up for now so it gets stress tested, it is probable we will have to take the site back off line if the issues get worse again.

the maoster:
Like this…

Doh! Did a screen shot of what I’m getting but it won’t let me upload it.

Can you e-mail the screenshot to please

Don’t know if this helps but this is what I’m getting now (Sunday 15:50)

I get this message for the new drivers forum and the Euro drivers forum.

These forums look like this:
PDF - Owner and Fleet forum- Old time lorries forum - Trucknet Memorial forum - Transport photo forum - Where am I forum .

And now the little post marker after the name of the person that’s posted last is missing :open_mouth:

site back up but still missing the above…

I can get on some but not al forums

I have to scroll along to read all of what has been written as too long for the screen no icons either