Site not loading

Is it just me or is anyone else been having issues with the site not loading in mobile browser? It started after the last iOS update which now highlights websites with non secure connections. I thought it was a safari issue, but I’m getting the same problem with chrome too. Sometimes I have to reload the page 5/6 times to get it to come up.

And before any smart arses tell me to download tapatalk, I did that before and can’t get on with it :laughing:

It’s ok for me.

It seems to be loading on my mobile OK, but I’m on Android not IOS.

Ok on Tapatalk

Sent from my cab using company phone

Fine for me on iOS 12.3.1

What network are you on?

Fine for me on iOS 12.3.1

What network are you on?



Fine for me on iOS 12.3.1

What network are you on?


Tapatalk fine on EE [emoji6][emoji1785]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

blue estate:
Ok on Tapatalk

Sent from my cab using company phone

Is there anything better than Tapatalk. I hate it.

blue estate:


Fine for me on iOS 12.3.1

What network are you on?


Tapatalk fine on EE [emoji6][emoji1785]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Can’t get on with it. Don’t like the layout tbh. Ironically, I’ve not had any issues since posting this thread! It was only intermittent anyway

Ironically, I’ve not had any issues since posting this thread! It was only intermittent anyway

So often the case mate, could be any number of things slow a site down, either on your end or theirs and often somewhere in-between too.