site changes

what on earth has happened to this site, its more difficult to read, takes up more space, and is now uninteresting, so i`m logging off.

It’s gone back from the orange style most people hated to the one we had a couple of years ago. Which most people hated when it was introduced but then became the best style ever when it was changed to the orange abomination. It changed a few weeks ago and you have posted many times since the change.

Any hoo, bye.

I hope this helps.

Oh, hang on he won’t see this as he’s gone. :stuck_out_tongue:

what on earth has happened to this site, its more difficult to read, takes up more space, and is now uninteresting, so i`m logging off.

Toodle pip!

Don’t slam the door on the way out :slight_smile:

Don’t slam the door on the way out :slight_smile:

Not possible, it’s a revolving door. Haven’t you noticed how many people say they will never be back yet they continue to post? :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

I think he is having trouble finding the door, over 30 minutes since the first post on this thread and still not logged off. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Just no loyalty any more, we send him off with our best wishes to the US of A all expenses paid and he moans about the colour change :laughing:

Only joking Bob

what on earth has happened to this site, its more difficult to read, takes up more space, and is now uninteresting, so i`m logging off.

I highly recommend Tapatalk where the colours never change :wink:

Where’s the pic of the “oh the drama” bird when you need her.

In fariness to the OP, there does appear to have been some sort of change made over the last few weeks that has made the forum layout a bit unstable.

A quick file comparison (using ‘diff’ on a unix box) reveals that the CSS of the forum pages has been changed at some point since my proxy server cached a copy at the turn of the year.

Symptoms seem to include random layout changes in threads containing large images, which in my case seems to be caused by the rendering engine in IE9 being unable to properly calculate the page width in relation to the screen resolution as a result of one or more wayward CSS elements.

Where’s the pic of the “oh the drama” bird when you need her.


there you go,
I hope this helps
© Coffeeholic

I have no probs with the site but then I do use a mac with safari

I prefer this colour to the orange which we did have for a while much easier on the eye

I prefer this colour to the orange which we did have for a while much easier on the eye

This ^

what on earth has happened to this site, its more difficult to read, takes up more space, and is now uninteresting, so i`m logging off.

hi seany is there any possibility that people can be stopped from posting job ads that have been lifted from other sites as this is just a waste of space as most people on here have already looked at them,presently there are several indivuals on the jobs page who have taken 5 jobs off the job centre plus site,just a waste of this sites time and space

thanks bojo

hi seany is there any possibility that people can be stopped from posting job ads that have been lifted from other sites as this is just a waste of space as most people on here have already looked at them,presently there are several indivuals on the jobs page who have taken 5 jobs off the job centre plus site,just a waste of this sites time and space

thanks bojo

Why are you asking me? :confused: :confused:

hi seany is there any possibility that people can be stopped from posting job ads that have been lifted from other sites as this is just a waste of space as most people on here have already looked at them,presently there are several indivuals on the jobs page who have taken 5 jobs off the job centre plus site,just a waste of this sites time and space
thanks bojo

What difference does it make? :unamused: Space is not an issue as posts are deleted automatically in that forum after 14 days.

Some people may not have looked at the job centre plus site, so it may help someone get a job. :wink:

what on earth has happened to this site, its more difficult to read, takes up more space, and is now uninteresting, so i`m logging off.

ok, thanks for coming, bye.
oh, a week later youve logged on again.
Wouldnt have happened in my day etc :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:
how interesting


i couldnt careless as long as it stays one colour and the tinkering stops.