
Infection of sinuses,wont go away,tried steam rooms with menhol vapours,pills from the doc,all didnt get rid of it,any other ways to shift it.Makes you feel like flu symptons and horid green/grey mucus that goes down on the chest.Heard swimmimg pools harbour some nasty bugs that hinder getting better.

ive got the dreaded sinuse problem. had infection on my chest for 8weeks till they found it was nasal drip which was causing it. been on nasal drops for 10 weeks .ive finishe them .and now im on a nasal spray for 3 seeing a consultant on the 21.09.2009. if its still blocked he wants to give me a nasal wash .wichyou end up with 2 black eyes and 2 tampaxes up your nose 2 stop the bleeding ,ill let you keep spiting the green spit you dont you will get a chest infection ,took 4 different antibioticks before it cleared mine.

Makes feel flu like,will ask doc to see an ENT specialist,to see if wash the area out under local aneashetic or day case.It is a pain in the rear.No energy with it too.Chest allways getting infected too.Pills dont work.

you need to find the right antibiotic, it took me 4 types of tablets because the doctor gave me the cheap ones first i was told these were £3 tablets i ended up on tablets worth £17.50 this all started december 2008 up till now. but i am 10 times better than what i was

Saw doc2day given menthol liquid to put in a bowl and breathe in hot vapours,de-congestant pills,anti-biotic pills,and an x-ray appointment at the ENT Dept.Suppose living next to a scrap yard dont help with the dust and debis,but they were there before they built the flats,so cant blame em really.Not one of those wingers that move to an airport and complain about new runways and extra flights,take offs and landings,they really pee mee off,dont bloomin move there then.And stuck up villagers that get the cops out for a once a year rave/disco/party,or whatever,cos of noise,if they dont like it,why not join in the fun.Turns out there were no houses nearby the excess noise.Get some ear plugs. :grimacing:

If I have a cold for more than 24 hours it developes into sinusitis.
At the first signs of a cold I dose myself up with Lem sip and whisky,ususally clears it up within 24-36 hours.
If it does not clear then it quickly blocks my passages and gives me the usual headaches.
Never fly when you have a cold.
Aircrews are grounded if they have a sniffle.
Now I know why.
Some years ago I flew to Munich with a slight cold.
Within 48 hours it had developed into such a bad case of sinus I was almost suicidal with pain and finished up at the local hospital at 2 am in the morning where they x-rayed my head and diagnosed impacted sinuses.
I had my nose conected to a suction pump and they managed to remove several green frogs from my head,then gave me a prescription for some antibiotics from the chemist.
The painkillers were the best I’ve ever come across.Within 10 minutes of taking one,the pain had gone,but in 3 1/2 hours it was back as the next tablet was due.
The other antibiotics disolved the infection within a few days and I’ve never had it as bad as that again,although the next time I had sinus,I took the boxes from the medicine I was given in Germany to my doctor,and he was gobsmacked,and said there was no way I could be given anything as strong as this in England.
I have had sinus again this year,first time for a year or two,and my doctor prescribes me penicillin which does the job,although this time I had to have two courses as one course was not strong enough.