Simplon Pass

I used it most weeks for a lot of years, but after 18mth`s back in the UK. im bored witless!! I really miss going over the pass, and the resultant pizza at Piedemullera! Anyone on here go that way regularly■■?

No not that way nowadays but i agree with you it is a scenic road to transit to Italy on . :sunglasses:

that wouldnt be the alan with the left hook scania would it or alan-matra as i used to call you. remember a certain mega wheels daf ■■. its smee. brian

Yes Brian!!! Hello mate, im really missing Italy now. PM me if you want my phone number.

“TRUCKNET RE-UNITED”… :laughing: :laughing:

Could be a good new web-site in the offering there!! :laughing: :wink:

yep. and more than welcome. me + alan ran the simplon for more years than i care to remember. then the job i was doing changed to having a collection in rottweil on the return to the uk so i ended up on the novara-fribourg train every sunday night. which considering i lived less than a km from the terminal was great. but as alan was coming out of italy i was on my way in. so apart from pizza at piedmulera we never got to speak. so happy days we are meeting up soon for a pint or 5 and a good old chinwag.

It’s one of my biggest regrets in life that I never took any photo’s in all the times I went over the Simplon pass and Swiss in general, I used to love the view approaching the mountains too

I miss doing Italy too :cry:

Adelaide to Upminster, eh■■? No wonder your sig. indicates you dont like us Brits. Who is the [zb] that conned you into moving there■■? :open_mouth: He must have really hated you. Mind you, Upminster may be quite up-market compared to Aus i suppose.

Alan R:
Adelaide to Upminster, eh■■? No wonder your sig. indicates you dont like us Brits. Who is the [zb] that conned you into moving there■■? :open_mouth: He must have really hated you. Mind you, Upminster may be quite up-market compared to Aus i suppose.

PMSL… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Are you a cricket fan Alan!!! :laughing: :laughing:

Cricket is for queers, in my opinion. :wink: (a bit like supermarket work) So, no. Rugby and motorsport for me. And fishing!!!

You were doing quite well 'till you got to the last word Alan :smiling_imp: , a very dangerous sport in my opinion, at any moment you could doze off - and drown :open_mouth: :laughing:
Mind you you didn’t qualify which rugby, Union’s ok but really it’s got to be League :laughing:
Or Aussie rules, a great spectacle. :wink:

Union for me geeza!!!

Alan R:
Union for me geeza!!!

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Unfortunately for me too most of the time. My nearest League club is Toulouse, a really friendly little stadium, but 300 kms away :cry:

Oi, I do like poms, I married one :wink:

I didn’t move to Upminster from Aus, I’ve just ended up here

This post brings back many memories. First time on Simplon I stopped at the routiers at Rothwald, In my best German I asked for a Caffe, only to be asked, what part of Scotland do you come from, Jane who run, with husband Rikki routier, came from Kirkcaldy.

I only ever went that way a couple of times. I think then it was with 2 stripped down tilts to be rebuilt in Turin for loading end july early august.

here ya go, hopefully this will stir a few memories…

border at Valorbe.

climbing out of Brig

alps in sight

typical Simplon weather!

the eagle (war memorial)

border at Gondo

and finally at Italian border at Iselle

Cracking photos ,dieselcowboy looks like you tramp through some nice
scenery there! Whats the eagle all about ? something to do with the war ■■

My drivers used to use the Simplon a lot here are some pics

Traffic lights at Sion in Swiss on the way to the Simplon

Stuck here for 6 days due to avalanches Jeans restaurant Swiss Rothwald Simplon 4th April 1986

My driver at Simplon

And again both times pulling for Roba Southampton

Regards Pat

Good pictures Pat, brings back some good old memories. I remember going over one winter in the early 70’s with dear old ‘Bingo’ God rest his soul.
The road wasn’t that good then and I had quite a high tautliner on. quite a story to that little journey but I’ll leave it until I see you. Come to think of it every time I was with Bingo it turned into a story but then thats the character.