Silly season???

Is it me or is there more than the normal amount of Divys on the road at the mo, today I could of committed some serious physical damage to some of the muppets!!! :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp:

No it’s not you mate, i have been thinking the same & feel the same way as you. :imp: :imp:

Yeah, it’s also known as Holiday Time. :wink:

Yep holiday time, the parents are entertaining the kids, which are screaming in the back seats.
Normally i find they are about around school dropping off and picking up time, sadly i have to go past a school to get to work so see the most stupidness, but its quiet in the holidays.
Kick all the kids back off to school i think, im already fed up of having them screaming and making noise on my days off when it would normally be quiet. :unamused:

im happier when im driving on a single track up the highlands,
blind bends brakes burning clutch on fire :smiley:
and i still overtake caravans :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
my itineray is wales wick lincolshire 4 mon
and i hate motorways at this time of year its that bad sometimes im awake when im driving :smiley:
the leeming season starts when a car passes you an you look down an the passenger has the aa road atlas open.
DOOMEMED WERE DOOMED. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
ffs they couldnt even pay for a sat nav. :smiley:

Roof box, caravan, kids in the back pukeing up and/or knocking lumps out of each other, everywhere a rip off arguing with the wife roads gridlocked a three hour journey takes seven. All this to holiday in a field in the middle of nowhere in the ******g rain in an aluminium box. It’s silly season no doubt about it,none whatsoever.

Its no better at night either Time to start takin the Calm Tablets :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp:

Glad I’m not the only one who noticed this. Thought I was going senile!

And bikers. Two nearly got themselves creamed on my way over Corney Fell on Tuesday afternoon.
Don’t ask me why I was going up Corney Fell. :blush:

And bikers. Two nearly got themselves creamed on my way over Corney Fell on Tuesday afternoon.
Don’t ask me why I was going up Corney Fell. :blush:

The fair weather mob on litre sports bikes scare me to death how can it be safe to own a 170+mph bike and not ride it for 9 months of the year. The caravanners provide some top notch entertainment but generally they keep themselves in one piece.

Roof box, caravan, kids in the back pukeing up and/or knocking lumps out of each other, everywhere a rip off arguing with the wife roads gridlocked a three hour journey takes seven. All this to holiday in a field in the middle of nowhere in the ******g rain in an aluminium box. It’s silly season no doubt about it,none whatsoever.

To be honest, most caravaners are complete â– â– â– â– â–  anyway(i say MOST, some are fine) however motorcaravaners(as i like to call them as it winds them up) are normally up themselves, posh idiots.
Also one of the problems with caravans is that quite a few old people drive them, old people and a car with a caravan is not a good idea, they struggle to control the car on its own let alone with it towing a caravan.
And dont get me started on when they come in and attempt to reverse their caravan into a space :unamused:
I know, i sell these people accessories for their vehicles and have to deal with them every day. :unamused: But at least im not being stuck behind them :slight_smile:

I thought it was me too, pleased to know I’m only half mad :slight_smile: Mind saying that I got carved up by a road sweeper & a 7.5t boxvan today :imp: So its not only loony tunes car drivers.

Fly sheet

To be honest I respect the right of anyone to use their leisure time as they see fit and my digs are tongue in cheek and most caravanners are competent and cause few problems. This time of year you will see those who don’t normally venture outside the towns in which they live, they have little experience of the motorway and have no idea when it comes to navigation we as pro’s must be tolerant (it’s hard to refrain from squeezing their windpipes but we must) and remember the things we do everyday with little or no problems can be a challenge for the average motorist. I myself prefer to stroll into an airport collect a car drive to the gaff at the other end and have as little to do with my neighbors as humanly possible, it tends to rain a lot less also.

I,ve been going up to Carlisle on my bike (covering for another driver) and these once a year on the motorway holiday lunatics scare the crap out of me. At least half a dozen have passed me today at 85mph + with 3 or 4 bikes hanging from the back or tied on the roof, imagine having that lot fall off in front of you !

Around 2500 people will die on the roads of Britain this year, from my elevated viewpoint I am surprised this figure is not greater, the sad thing is most of these are avoidable.

i’ve not been on the roads much for a few weeks, but a short drive today saw three VERY near bad accidents on the black cat roundabout a few hours apart and just while I was there; the second one some nut in a 4x4 dived in front of an FWC fridge from the inside track to exit to the A421 and must have missed by less than a foot causing the artic to stand on it’s nose :angry:

Well i’m glad its not just me then…I did see an accident at the Black Cat Roundabout this morning at about 10.30ish…2 women had a bit of a coming together :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: …or was that the dvd I watched last night… :wink:

Well this week has been especially bad for me, i think ive lost about 5 year of my life with the amount of close calls.

it is rubbish at the mo.
i got lumbered, tipping in manchester, for 8 hours yesterday, and was glad to be there, rather than out in the mayhem, that kept coming on radio 2’s travel news, it was rubbish.
a combination of crap roads, to many roadworks, in all the wrong places, and the 6 week holiday brigade, venturing onto the motorways, for their once or twice a year visit, onto the major road networks.
most are clueless, it really can be quite frightening out there at the mo.

What is amazing me is the number of numptys towing caravans who are using the 3rd lane to overtake.Has anyone noticed how many towing vehicles use the 3rd lane since the introduction of the towing test.