Signing Digi Card Printouts

Just started using a digi card and have a couple of questions…

  1. Do I need to sign each print out?

  2. Do I need to manually enter i.e write on the print out, the beginning / end of any daily / weekly rest periods as you do on an analogue chart?

Just started using a digi card and have a couple of questions…

  1. Do I need to sign each print out?

  2. Do I need to manually enter i.e write on the print out, the beginning / end of any daily / weekly rest periods as you do on an analogue chart?

I believe you only have to sign the printout if you have damaged or lost your card etc etc.

A manual entry on the digital printout is done using the buttons, not a pen.

  1. You do not need to do a printout unless you have exceeded your permitted hours or deviated from the regs

Oh right, so a printout under normal circumstances isn’t necessary and you don’t have to send the printouts back to the operator? (as per analogue charts)

Oh right, so a printout under normal circumstances isn’t necessary and you don’t have to send the printouts back to the operator? (as per analogue charts)

No but you do have to have your driver card downloaded by the operator at least every 28 days

Oh right, so a printout under normal circumstances isn’t necessary


Wheel Nut:
3. You do not need to do a printout unless you have exceeded your permitted hours or deviated from the regs


you don’t have to send the printouts back to the operator? (as per analogue charts)

If you do a printout for the above reasons, so you can write your excuses :smiley: , you do have to sign it and you do have to give these printouts to the operator after 28 days.
It would also be a good idea to take 2 printouts and duplicate your excuses onto the second copy. You hand one to the operator and keep the second one safely yourself, so you have your own record and can show it in case the operator looses their copy.

Any other printouts you might take, for checking driving time for eg, can be disposed of.
Printout rolls are expensive for what they are, so bosses aren’t keen on you doing printouts on a weekly basis, let alone daily. Try and keep them to a minimum, that helps keep the boss happy.
You could keep a simple diary of your hours, which you can refer back to. You could keep your copy of any printouts in that too.