Sign of a good company

My wife was rushed into hospital during the middle of the night, I got a message at 04.45 am after I had just had an hours nap, I was en-route from Yonkers to St Albans VT, I told her I would deliver the load and head home, my appointment time was 08.00 but when I got there the didn’t have enough room in the tanks, I had just over 4 hours left and it was a 2 hour drive home. I had sent a message to my dispatcher and area manager to inform them of the problem and I told Ben & Jerry’s the problem… I have to say I was impressed :exclamation:
Ben & Jerry’s pulled me into the bay and made plans to mix as much ice cream as they could to get some room in the tanks, meanwhile a message appears on my peoplenet telling me to forget the delivery and go see my wife, ‘Family comes first’ was the message, not may companies would say that, I had said also that I would need a couple of days personal pay, they told me not to book any personal pay, and don’t worry because I will not be docked anything … Good company.
B&J got room in 2 tanks, we had to split the load but I got out of there with 2 hours 15 minutes to get home, I called in and was told to just call when I needed to get back.

What would you have done if you’d ran out of time at B&J’s or on the road with that e-log of yours? Carry on regardless I hope?

What would you have done if you’d ran out of time at B&J’s or on the road with that e-log of yours? Carry on regardless I hope?

I would as you said ‘Carried on’ but ! there was a guy a mile away, as I found out when I left the customer, so if it got too late they would have had me drop the trailer and take his empty, then he would have pumped the load off later.
Elogs don’t come before family either.

Sounds like a good company to work for. Hav’nt been in that position with
my company but hope they would have the same attitude, don’t think they’d pay me for it though !

Hope the Missus is ok.

my boss is like that,family always first but then so am i. hope missus is ok pat. :slight_smile:

my boss is like that,family always first but then so am i. hope missus is ok pat. :slight_smile:

Thanks Gezt :slight_smile: