
Friend employed as a shunter driving a tugmaster and moving trailers around the yard. The job involves driving on the main public road as well, between yards, albeit short distances but I am pretty sure this is illegal…on an ordinary car licence! Told by haulage firm something along the line that it was legal as tugmaster max speed is 25mph and is classed as agriculture vehicle, using red diesel and there is a set max distance permitted on the public road. Being a LGV driver myself I find it strange the haulage firm would jeopardize their operators licence by allowing this? Illegal or not? … s-and-fuel

goods vehicle which is not used on public roads or, if it is so used during any calendar week: - is used only in passing from land in the occupation of a person keeping the vehicle to other land in the occupation of that person - is not used on public roads for distances exceeding an aggregate of 9.7 kilometres in that calendar week

They might be relying on that. Not sure about the red though.

Would of thought its illegal as it has a fifth wheel hence class 1 vehicle not 100% clear on that but that would be my view.

Try investigating the rules on plant - I think that will answer all queries

You don’t need a HGV licence to shunt around yards, just most companies will send their drivers on a ‘shutter’ course before they start. . . .

using red diesel and there is a set max distance permitted on the public road.

With this it’s no more than 1km between premises.