Hi all
I am going for a shunting job and will have an assessment on both tacho and shunting what should I be setting the tacho to whilst manovering in the yard and what should I set it to as I take my card out to get into the next one. Suppose I put one on the bay and then have to wait 10 mins before they want one on another bay should I be making manual entries each time saying other work?
Will you be shunting trailers, or jumping in and out of many different rigids during a shift?
If the latter, and if they are not always going on the road, I might not put my card in to move them.
Always have a card in if using one tractor to use multiple trailers.
Always have a card in if using any vehicle on the road.
Moving 3 or 4 rigids in a yard? Doubt I’d bother with card there, but put in a manual entry to accurately cover time between driving on the road.
Am I understanding correctly if I move x number of rigids around the yard I just need to make a mental note and then manual entry for all I have done if im going onto the public roads
If your just shunting vehicles around a yard then it doesn’t come under scope. Therfore unless company policy is to use the tachos then you dont need to do so. The compliance operator will allocate the missing mileage for the vehicles on the tacho analysis software. You also won’t need to keep records with most companies to shunt. Even using a unit to move trailers you don’t have to use a tacho card as long as your out of scope and not going on the road.
If you go out on the road then you should do manual entries for all activities for that week, which will consist of other work and breaks, no need to record periods of driving for none driving days.
I think the job is “proper” shunting as it will be class 2 (at least I hope it will as I understand with a class 2 licence you can drive a tractor unit on the road). im a little bit of a worrier and if there is a drama to be had I seem to be in the deep end of it. however that said I think if I keep a written record of my breaks etc then add it to the tacho if need be for going on the road should I be ok.
Not that I want to go down the who cares route as it panics me but as the second yard is “over the way” on a small industrial estate at night does it really matter that much?