Shunter regs

Hello all be trailing through the handbook and i am looking for some shunter advice.

We have an old Iveco thats past its sell by for the road but is still mechanically sound, I am looking to use it as a shunter for our Milton Keynes depot which is on a private road:

  1. do I need to keep it on the O licence
  2. does it fall under the regular maintenance schedules with the o licence
  3. will i need to tax and MOT it bearing in mind it will never go on a public road?

I can see that it falls under the scope for not needing a tachograph as it will never leave the depot

all help greatly appreciated as always

Not got an operator cpc so I am taking a guess to see how close I am…

I reckon the only thing that it will fall under is H&S regs - IE - is it generally safe to use in a non public road enviroment…

Am I correct :question: - we shall see…

Any vehicle doing less than 6 miles a week on public roads is exempt: … m#P10_1912

So I say it’s no to all 3 questions.

To the best of my knowledge:

  1. No
  2. No
  3. No

and the best bit…

  1. you can run it on red!

As always thanks for the help much appreciated :slight_smile: