Hi guys
I passed my class 2 last week and I have had loads of phone calls from employers/agencies since I updated my cv. But most of them won’t touch me till I get my driving licence and CPC card through which can take up to 3 weeks to return
I was just wondering if it was worth me handing in my notice in where I work as it is 4 weeks notice I must give
Most employers have said once I have my cards I can start here.
I feel stuck as I’m worried They might not be here by the time my notice is up but I just thought it would be more beneficial for me rather waiting another 7 weeks to start driving I’m feelstuck
What the best thing to do ?
I would wait till you have your cards in hand then, then once get an offer of job put notice in bills still need to be paid etc if you get a job offer but need you to start in a week just give them a week might not be the best but once got time on card you will find work no matter what driving
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If you have the hours available legally it might be an idea to dip your feet slowly into the world of driving by doing the odd day a week or fortnight on agency whilst keeping your old job going.
My reasoning for this is twofold.
1, you might take to lorry driving like a duck to water, in which case after a few weeks or months doing the odd run you’ll know whether its for you and possibly even which job offer to accept.
2, it might not be plain sailing for you, you might get it all wrong do some serious damage and decide to give it a few months before getting back into it again…in the meantime furlough will end completely unless Rishi finds another fake £100billion note sticking out of his arse and the real damage to businesses and employment of the govts reaction to the coviod farce will soon become apparent, in which case having given up your present job might see in in serious financial trouble if several thousand newly sacked people are applying for every job advertised.
Given the timing re furlough ending i’d hedge your bets for a few months if i were you, not trying to ■■■■ on your parade by the way.