Should clamper van registrations be shown on trucknet

I recently posted a registration number of a clamper van and it was edited. so i want to know if other members think about having clamper registrations on here.

no i don’t think so, because mistakes may be made with identification but there’s no harm in discription and locations where they operate

Double edged sword. First thought is yes, but i also understand the other arguement. Maybe an idea to run a poll?

I fear this thread be a little fruitless as the gestapo will probably close it soon.

I think if someone were to post a picture of a van with a clamper getting in/out of it and a location description, then that would be fine surely?
As we all often post pictures of vehicles (Our own or otherwise) without the number plates edited out.

If someone were to post a series of pictures showing clamper getting in the van, turning the key, and then a large fireball with clamps and bits of clamper flying off into the air, I would laugh - but I digress.

So no, I don’t think registrations should be posted as its against the rules.
But a picture… well we have them on here all the time. Unless the fun police are to decree that all registrations must be edited out of every photograph posted from now on?


dodgy area taking photos of people, you need to get the persons permission to take their photo and then display it, and for that purpose i doubt they would go along with it, not busting bubbles as i would quite happily name and shame but registrations only no photos as i wouldnt want legal action being taken against me and i am sure the site wouldnt want that either as unfortunatly thats the way the world has gone.

I dont think the reg should be posted…but i do think these vans should be towed out to sea and let the navy use them as target practice.

You’re once…


Three times a poster!!! :wink:

edit Bloody quick!!

i dont think the full reg should be posted, but a description and mayby like the year if its like a 57 plate or what.

just to help out really

Yes :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

No simple these people are doing a job we may not like it but they are human … I think

I think the vehicle should be identified by colour make and year.

eg. White 08 reg Berlingo

or blue 07 Subaru impreza with blue lights hidden in the grille. We would hear about the plain wrapped Copper, so what is any different about Jed Clampits van

Take a photo and put that up, the reg should be shown i dont know why some people are offended by the mention of reg numbers unless you are doing something stupid or illegal why be paranoid about it?.

We’ve already had the poll before. I believed that you should be able to say or produce a fotograph of what you liked as long as you ( as the poster) would be liable for it. The majority voted no. There ya go !

Thats just prejudice against the ethnic minorities who want to show reg numbers you regist git.

i thought registration numbers were banned of vehicles that offended you to stop further victimisation… fair enough.

but those members who blank their own regs out of photo’s do so cos they want to not because they are banned from doing so.

We’ve already had the poll before. I believed that you should be able to say or produce a fotograph of what you liked as long as you ( as the poster) would be liable for it. The majority voted no. There ya go !

Whoa, steady there Mike, getting close to a contrary opinion. Not really approved of in a Mod. :unamused: :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

He wasn’t a Mod then. :wink:

He wasn’t a Mod then. :wink:

He nearly was, which is why I said ‘getting close’. :slight_smile:
The clue is in the words. :laughing: