short film

Sounds like a amateur version of Eddie sobarts.good luck with it

if you read my replies above its nothing like that show

The standard of truck driver’s film making is very poor. You cannot do worse than this bloke. Best of luck.

he should get an award for that,the most boring film ever award

The standard of truck driver’s film making is very poor. You cannot do worse than this bloke. Best of luck.

Lol, I’m sure you can do worse Chris (I never knew you were an Aussie) LOL, you obviously didn’t see mine :blush:

Hi Mick. That is a lot better than some of the trucker-videos on Youtube. You have hundreds of views and even some comments.

The best stuff on Youtube that I have seen was done by a young Canadian guy called Dave Philip who worked at Big Freight when I was there.

If Tattooedally can do films like that, it will be worth watching.

Hi Mick. That is a lot better than some of the trucker-videos on Youtube. You have hundreds of views and even some comments.

The best stuff on Youtube that I have seen was done by a young Canadian guy called Dave Philip who worked at Big Freight when I was there.

If Tattooedally can do films like that, it will be worth watching.

Thanks Chris. I’ve just gone back to watch Dave Pilps stuff, he’s good, both narrating and filming. Excellent.

This guy, a facebook aquaintance from Texas has a style that Tattoedally is probably aiming for…

The standard of truck driver’s film making is very poor. You cannot do worse than this bloke. Best of luck.

Watched the clip Chris, is it just me that noticed the posters name on You tube is Chris Arbon backwards ?
(or have I missed something)
