Got a job on in July heading to Shetland. Anyone ever been? I know there’s a 14 hour ferry between Aberdeen and Lerwick which will be a bit of an experience depending on the weather up there! I’m hoping to get some sight seeing in too whilst I’m there. Any general tips or advice?
Only driven a 7.5t up there but it was some of the best driving I’ve done. Did about 3 hrs driving, 10 hrs “other work”, two days to myself, got drunk and watched football in a hotel with some locals. They flew me up to Sumburgh and I only drove on so called main routes so I may not be able to give the best review Was a lot like driving on any old country roads but I imagine some places aren’t much fun.
■■■■■■ with rain though.
Been on the ferry as a passenger years ago, so long as you’re not prone to seasickness its a painless journey if you a have a few pints before bed.
Our member Orys use to go the Hebridean Islands. Not the same place obviously, but never-the-less might be able to give some pointers as there are bound to be some similarities.
Photo diary here (spectacular scenery): viewtopic.php?t=30937
Do you need a 2nd man/photographer?
What an awesome run!! Have fun.
They speak english but ■■■■ knows what they say, never heard an accent like it. Cannae make head nor tail of what they say. Just nod your head at them in agreement
I moved some friends up to Shetland in 2003…but it was December ! hired a 7.5 tonner…they took the car…we arrived in Aberdeen at around 5 pm ferry was supposed to leave at 7 pm…it didnt it left at 11 pm due to realy bad swells rough seas…this family had never been on a ferry…the ferry was 10 months old nice boat it was …we sat in the lounge very nice they were all smiley… , captain came over the radio apolagised for the delay and said it would be rough and hadnt sailed the night before because he deemed it wasnt good to go, so my mate and his wife said to me would we be ok…well yes if your a good sailor…i love the sea …never sea sick, anyway my mate was still happy bought some drinks he likes his whiskey so we had a couple…i then made my way to the cafe part had a nice cooked meal…they didnt just had a sandwich…his young kids were all exited and so we went to the lounge recliners…i fell asleep very quickly they bedded down…next thing his wife is shaking me …white as a ghost we were the only ones left in there…somat to do with my snoring she said…but said can i help her they were all violently ill sea sick…i was bouncing …full english on my own in the morning …14 hour trip turned into 21 hours …the weather was bad it tossed this huge new ferry about like a cork…you should be ok summer months…nice place pretty bleak there isnt any trees to speak of just the odd bush very wild landscape …we drove to a small place near the airport…it will be fun in summer if we get one…but dont take it for granted 3 oceans meet up there and it can change in minutes…have a good trip have a beer or 2 decent grub on board cinema bar etc , i would go again …
Cheers, shytalk that tale has defiantly made me feel better! I’ve never really sailed before apart from a couple of times over the channel both times it was like a millpond! I am looking forward to it. I’m taking a load of furniture to a hotel in Brae it’s about 30 miles north of Lerwick. I’m hoping to get it unloaded in a couple of hours then I’ll drive back to Lerwick and see if I can hire a car cheap from somewhere and go for some sightseeing until the ferry leaves in the evening! I’ll try and take plenty of pics and maybe make a diary too.
Just enjoy you lucky SOB good luck to you.
As stated above there’s not many trees but there is a place called ■■■■■ and on one of the signs the place above it is called Clousta so if you squint it says Close to ■■■■■■ Makes a great photo!
Hmmm, not cheap for a car for 24 hrs (min. rental period on this site). Argus is a good site with good prices but as you only want it for a few hours you might be able to do a better deal with them in person.
Im sorry , didnt want to worry you…duke, but it was hell of a ride…and nearly as bad on the return, but you should fair well in the summer, it was Sumburgh i drove to from Lerwick about 20 odd miles…there house was pretty close to the airport…they have island hoppers little boats that go to the other smaller islands around Shetland…mite be worth a look…good luck with the trip and enjoy…shytalk…
Ive sailed there from Aberdeen ,got on the ferry about tea time parked next to a tractor with a muck spreader on and some farm animals that were in a pen on the deck ■■■■ hay and straw included,dined in the restaurant bottle of wine then bed didn’t wake til i got there.cant remember the cost.
Cheers, shytalk that tale has defiantly made me feel better! I’ve never really sailed before apart from a couple of times over the channel both times it was like a millpond! I am looking forward to it. I’m taking a load of furniture to a hotel in Brae it’s about 30 miles north of Lerwick. I’m hoping to get it unloaded in a couple of hours then I’ll drive back to Lerwick and see if I can hire a car cheap from somewhere and go for some sightseeing until the ferry leaves in the evening! I’ll try and take plenty of pics and maybe make a diary too.
Bless ya. If it’s rough, properly rough, you’ll get a shock mate. As Shytalk said, it can be pretty intense…how does 80ft waves sound?
Best of luck and hope the weather is good. If it is, the scenery is wild and fantastic! If it isn’t you won’t be able to see it…
Been on Shetland several times, was first over years ago when it was the old P&O boat and more recently on the much better Northlink ferry.
During the winter it can be very rough I remember one sailing spending 9 hours on the bunk with one arm round the bed side table the other one pressed against the wall and my feet pushing against the wardrobe at the bottom of the bunk but I still managed to hit the floor twice.
During the summer it will be much better although you will hit a rough patch when the North Sea and the Atlantic meet, from memory this is about 2am, its not too bad though, probably just enough to wake you if your a light sleeper.
One other tip, Take plenty money everything is very expensive , don’t even think about buying fuel.