Shell euro and Aral Fuel cards

Good afternoon
Im bringing back a 7.5 tonne truck from Nuremberg to uk via Calais.Going out to collect it tonight.Ive been given euro shell and Aral Fuel cards.Could you experienced drivers advise me does BP take the shell euro card as payment .Does any of the other fuel companies except these cards in partnership with either Aral or Euro shell.Travelling mostly on the Autobahns and autoroutes.

Thanks in Anticipation Jim.

Good afternoon Jim,my advice would be to take lots of cash for a back up plan to cover tolls and fuel.
For every 100miles you are looking at about £50 in fuel.
You can use the free roads but most have weight limits.
You can get a refund on the toll that is not used,ask a driver to do it or the cashier in the shop.
If you have no tachograph records for the last 28 days,an attestation activity letter is required by law.
The boss will download it off the internet.
This is to cover holidays,sickness or absence from work.
Just buy a Brazilian flag to hang from the cab.
The loos are not free and the voucher can be spent on food or drink.
The commercial vehicle enforcement unit is called BAG.
Please stop if they tug you in.

With the Aral Card it´s possible to get fuel at BP Stations …but only if it´s a Aral Routex Card (big “R” on the Card).
The Aral Routex Card is the international Card…The Routex Card will be excepted in Germany at the Stations from Agip, OMV, Eni, Westfalen and in Belgium you can get fuel an Q8 Stations and at a lot of stations (not everywhere) from G+V. When you klick on each Station you will see which cards there are accepted. And i think the Routex Card will be accepted at the Texaco Stations…but I´m not sure…
You only have to look at the signs with “R” Routex at the stations…
The Shell Card is accepted in Germany at all Total Stations…when there is a big “M” on your Shell Card that means Multicard than it´s possible too to get fuel at esso stations…but only with the multicard not with the normal europe Shell Card. There are different signs on the Cards in the Corner on the right above. One is the simpel Card look on this example on this side…Tankkarte für Unternehmen aller Größen: Shell Card | Geschäftskunden: Industrie- und Gewerbekunden it Looks like a simpel “S”…and the multicard have this sign… like a doubled “S”
The Shell Card is not accepted at BP Stations.

To be honest there are plenty of shell garages to be able to just stick to the shell card.

Toby, read the posts you’re replying to.
It’s a 7.5 tonner, no MAUT in Germany because it’s for 12 t and over. I can’t remember if he’d need a vignette for a 7.5t, but it’s only £5 for a day. The corridor from B to Calais is free.
Take loads of cash? Are you completely mad?
With both Aral and Shell cards he’ll be able to top up at every other fuel station, if not more often.
He should do better than 2km per litre with a 7.5 tonner too, even I can get roughly 3km a litre with a fully freighted 40 tonner.