Sheffield Smokers - Research study to help quit

"Are you a current smoker who wishes to stop smoking?
Would you be interested in being supported in your stop smoking attempt by an experienced advisor and use either e-cigarettes or the NHS stop smoking services?
Then contact us!

Sheffield Hallam University is undertaking an ethically-approved study, funded by Heart Research UK that will explore the effects of e-cigarettes on the arteries and small veins in people making a stop-smoking attempt.

All participants will be randomly allocated to one of the three study groups:
In one group, participants will receive free nicotine-rich e-cigarettes and refills for a 3-month period as well as advice on how to successfully stop smoking.
In group two, participants will receive similar advice as well as complimentary, nicotine-free e-cigarettes and refills for a 3-month period.
Finally, group three will be referred to the NHS stop smoking services and will be reimbursed by the research team for their stop smoking prescription expenses.

Participation in the study will be free and assessments will take place in Collegiate Hall in Collegiate Crescent Campus of Sheffield Hallam University.
Participants using their own transport will receive complimentary parking.

To receive more information, please contact Dr. Gareth Jones (Telephone Number: 01142254312, or visit:”

Mod’s Edit:

Made sticky 02/10/18 dd.

Wish you had done this thirty years since, as a heavy ( Sheffield ) smoker I found it very difficult to give up.

I found it very difficult to give up.

Give up? “give up” what?

The individuals willpower is the best way.If they actually want to stop they will.

Giving up the smokes is one thing but then being addicted to NRT can result in long term dependance.
Whilst NRT will not give you cancer it is still a very addictive drug on par with Class 1 drugs.
Research has shown it has more people addicted to it than cocaine of heroin.

I tried 3 or 4 times to stop smoking,
never really worked because i enjoyed it too much untill i sat in hospital with my grandad for 4 days
while he coughed a lung up…
Then i stopped a week later with no patches or chewing gum…
Point is dont bother trying to stop unless you really want too …!!