Shares in Stobart PLC

Hope they perform better in 2013 than they did in 2012 . The development at Southend Airport and tie up with Easyjet should prove to be a success . Probably a riskey investment but have bought some shares and am happy to wait five years to see what happens . A strong buy by one broker and a sell by another . Only time will tell .

looked at prices recently
and they upped and downed on a par
with Wincantons

Good luck with it N.I.Express.


Now as we know, Stobarts are into Biomass in a big way, trains, planes and now TV.

but the large majority of their work is still high street.

I’m not convinced, and “Moneyweek” had a bit of an article this month (gamble of the week) which did not persuade me in pumping my hard earned into them.

Good luck with it N.I.Express.


Now as we know, Stobarts are into Biomass in a big way, trains, planes and now TV.

but the large majority of their work is still high street.

I’m not convinced, and “Moneyweek” had a bit of an article this month (gamble of the week) which did not persuade me in pumping my hard earned into them.

Thanks , will not be ruined if they go bust . I regard it as a high risk long term investment . Will know in a few years time if I made the right decision . My portfolio is highly diversified and one thing I have learnt is no one can predict the future . Will let you know in ten years time if I made the right decision .

Ironstipper - I assume you are referring to the article below .

Tip of the Week


Our tip for this week is a bit of a gamble but could be worth a speculative buy.

Moving goods from place to place is what makes economies work. Known in the traded as logistics, it is also a hard way to make a living. Competition at the bottom-end, box-shifting part of the market is cut-throat. To survive, firms such as our gamble for this week, have to become a major part of a firm’s supply chain and make sure that goods are delivered on time in the most efficient way possible.

This company we are talking about is quite good at this and has a decent reputation. One area of potential for this company is its biomass business. With a government looking to support biomass, this could turn into profitable business for…

N.I Express:
Ironstipper - I assume you are referring to the article below .

Tip of the Week


Our tip for this week is a bit of a gamble but could be worth a speculative buy.

Moving goods from place to place is what makes economies work. Known in the traded as logistics, it is also a hard way to make a living. Competition at the bottom-end, box-shifting part of the market is cut-throat. To survive, firms such as our gamble for this week, have to become a major part of a firm’s supply chain and make sure that goods are delivered on time in the most efficient way possible.

This company we are talking about is quite good at this and has a decent reputation. One area of potential for this company is its biomass business. With a government looking to support biomass, this could turn into profitable business for…

Yes, thats the one from “Moneyweek”

But looking at the whole high street fiscal problems, it was a decline from me.

but to be fair, my enjoyment is AIM and PLUS shares, not FTSE 250 or FTSE 100

I wouldn’t. absolutely no way.

Things like this don’t help