Shakey Aamer, is he innocent or what?

What the hell is our dozy (sorry Dozy) government doing letting this low life back in to the UK ? He’s not even British but from Saudi ?

Before commenting please read this article :…

Rejoice! An innocent British man who suffered years of imperialist injustice has finally been freed! Cute little flopsies from the BBC with tears of joy running down their cheeks are breathlessly informing us of the torture this poor British man had to endure at the hands of those beastly Americans! But it’s not really like that, despite the BBC’s wishing for it to be true. For a start, Shakey Aamer is not even British; he is a citizen of Saudi Arabia and is only described as British because he is married to a woman in possession of a British passport. This gushing fanfare for a Saudi Arabian with a possible jihadist past is all a little odd,

There are a number of questions the media should be asking about Aamer, but I rather doubt any relevant questions will be forthcoming. What we will witness instead is an ■■■■ of Western self-flagellation. Sinister friends of Mr Aamer will be earnestly interviewed by curiously uncurious TV journalists who, whilst eagerly accepting Aamer’s word as Gospel, will do little to elicit the views of military intelligence officers or security specialists.

I suppose it is just possible the man is innocent, although this does seem to be rather improbable. After all, if you were a normal, law-abiding citizen living in England in the summer of 2001 would it, in all honesty, occur to you to give up your job, ignore your lawn which now needs mowing at least once a week and toddle off to an Afghan war zone with your wife and nippers in tow? I must confess that although 2001 is quite some time ago, the thought never occurred to me, as far as I can recollect…. but then again, perhaps I am just a little odd and Mr Aamer is made of saner stuff.

Shakey and the family only stayed in Afghanistan for a couple of months. When the U.S. started its bombing campaign in October 2001 he took his wife and children to Pakistan before returning to do some sort of charity work in Afghanistan, as is the usual way of life for Brits abroad. The BBC doesn’t seem terribly keen on establishing which particular Islamic charity Shakey was helping out. There is no evidence of Aamer ever working for an Afghan charity (perhaps the BBC will utilise one of its impartial investigative reporters to find out which charity it was…) but the self-sacrificing and well intentioned Saudi had indeed worked for Islamic charities during the 1990s — which turned out to be, surprise, surprise, front organisations involved in raising money for Al-Qaeda.

Another unusual aspect about Mr Aamer is that when taken prisoner in December 2002 by Afghan forces in Jalalabad, he was carrying a Belgian passport which can only be described as a somewhat strange possession for a Saudi Arabian citizen married to a British wife then residing in Pakistan. There are so many peculiarities about this entire case, some of which are highlighted in a report by Douglas Murray’s Henry Jackson Society which I would encourage everyone to read if they want some detailed information unavailable to those who rely solely on the BBC for their propaganda… sorry, I meant “news”.

The report may or may not be entirely accurate, but it does seem to suggest that Mr Shaker Aamer was very much a trained jihadist with links to the Taliban, al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden; that he was a military commander held in awe by fellow jihadists; that he fought in Bosnia during the 1990s and that his circle of accomplices seems to revolve around jihadists, extremists and terrorists all around the world. As I say, please read the report and then wonder why nothing, NOTHING about this overwhelming evidence (allegedly….yawn) is being raised by the BBC or indeed any other branch of our mainstream media in Britain.

And as we roll out the red carpet for a man who could well have been waging war against us — and who is now in line for one million pounds of compensation — the wife of Royal Marine Sergeant Alexander Blackman, a man jailed for defending his country, continues to fight for justice. I don’t think she will find any justice though, nor a large sum of money in compensation. Sgt Blackman is English, possibly even a Christian — and a soldier to boot. This combination makes him a decidedly unfashionable person in terms of human rights lawyers or sympathetic BBC coverage. Far better to be old Shakey Aamer in today’s Britain. - Paul Weston

Agree entirely with the bit about RM Sgt.Blackman. Bloody disgraceful, worth 10 of Aamer.

Where did that article come from mate?

From a post on Faceache ‘Timeline Photos’. That’s all I know about them but that story seems more plausible than our main stream media has been saying but I reckon our resident ‘Font of all Knowledge’ will be along to set us all straight, but if he goes on about socialism and all a government plot to maintain the low wages of the working class I’ll delete the thread :laughing:

From a post on Faceache ‘Timeline Photos’. That’s all I know about them but that story seems more plausible than our main stream media but I reckon our resident ‘Font of all Knowledge’ will be along to set us all straight, but if he goes on about socialism and all a government plot to maintain the low wages of the working class I’ll delete the thread :laughing:

Wouldn’t bother mate, nobody will read it anyway :smiley:

From a post on Faceache ‘Timeline Photos’. That’s all I know about them but that story seems more plausible than our main stream media has been saying but I reckon our resident ‘Font of all Knowledge’ will be along to set us all straight, but if he goes on about socialism and all a government plot :laughing:

I’m guessing that the political persuasion of those BBC ‘flopsies’ as previously referred to ain’t going to be along the lines of Le Pen and her supporters. :smiling_imp: :laughing:

As for stitching up the army.If they were really that bothered they’d have followed my advice by going for a coup against the government ( and the BBC ). :wink:

I’m guessing that the political persuasion of those BBC ‘flopsies’ as previously referred to ain’t going to be along the lines of Le Pen and her supporters. :smiling_imp: :laughing:

As for stitching up the army.If they were really that bothered they’d have followed my advice by going for a coup against the government ( and the BBC ). :wink:

Re your opening sentence, … What the ■■■■ has that got to do with the OP, See what I mean … delete or not to delete, that is the question (now) :unamused:


I’m guessing that the political persuasion of those BBC ‘flopsies’ as previously referred to ain’t going to be along the lines of Le Pen and her supporters. :smiling_imp: :laughing:

As for stitching up the army.If they were really that bothered they’d have followed my advice by going for a coup against the government ( and the BBC ). :wink:

Re your opening sentence, … What the [zb] has that got to do with the OP,

The reference to those ‘flopsies’ and their obvious political bias seemed to be important enough as part of the OP.Which leaves the obvious question as to their political motives.In which case as I said that motivation is obviously going to be at the opposite end of the political spectrum to that of the French FN. :unamused:

Delete mate. It’s already FUBAR.