
i made a delivery today to 1 of our own shops, the yard is a bit tight but i’ve been in & out of there all week, the gaffer phoned me,after i’d left yard half an hour ago it seems you’ve hit a car @ yr last drop, could you go back & check it out, i went back a silver corsa with 2 gouges @ the petrol cap a dent & a light blue paint mark, my trailer was dark blue & the gouges never matched ANY part of the trailer,no one saw nowt, but i was told i was the last driver in!!,ever had the feeling you’ve been set up!! :imp:

is there no cctv just ask them to prove it was you

Is it me or should the car not be parked in a delivery yard ?

my word against theres, i agreed the car got wacked in the yard,but not by me i’d have opened it like a tin of beans with the rear of the trailer,& i reckon i’d have draged the car with me no signs of that either :confused:

Ask for some proof , when non comes forward tell em to go find the person that did it , wrong paint and all i would say your in the clear as i see it

Agree with all others mate.

Anyone could go round saying that you had smashed their car.

It’s why people have to actually have witnesses to prove things.

But as usual, trucks and the drivers are easy targets.

Do you know where the original information came from? You say you had a phone call telling you you’d had a bump…where/who did that report come from?. Did anyone witness the damage being done? Is there any CCTV (not just from your firm’s premises but anywhere else nearby too? Was the car still parked in the position it was when the alleged damage took place? Who does the car belong to and have they told anyone about any recent damage being done (i.e. trying to get some damage repaired at someone else’s expense by lying about how it happened)? Is the person who’s car it is a reliable type or have they got a bit of form for lying/dishonesty etc? Did you get any photo’s of the damage and your own trailer (with the different coloured paints and position of the damage)? Did you or anyone else take any measurements at the time of the allegation?

I agree with you and from you’ve said, you may well be the fall guy for an insurance scam against your company. The above questions are some that I’d be asking if I was investigating the incident myself. OK, i have been trained to investigate these things, but I’d certainly be taking a similar list to the boss and asking him those questions.

Ultimately, it’ll be up to the insurance companies as to who shells out for the damage, but my feeling is that you’re being set up for someone elses damage.

Having said that, I managed to take the side off a car in our yard a couple of weeks ago with the trailer overhang…didn’t feel or hear a thing 'till the yard staff came over waving and shouting! Oops 2

Good luck mate, let us know how it goes.

Had a similar thing happen to me a few years ago…

Boss had a report of me hitting a stationary car, I of course denied it and filled the report out as “not aware of hitting anything”.

Never heard any more :laughing:

Ask for the proof - witnesses, CCTV, etc. - something that proves beyond doubt that the car was damaged in that place by your vehicle. “You were the last wagon in there mate” does not constitute proof.


shrek,i’ve done everything you’ve asked, there’s no cctv,just a guy from the shed came out half an hour later & noticed the damage,i don’t think the geezer that owns it is shady,but i reckon somebody else has done it like a plumbers transit the scapes are 'bout 6" apart :confused: my trailer would have taken the corsa BIG time if i rattled it, i’ll let you know the outcome if & when i hear.

ivor biggin:
there’s no cctv,just a guy from the shed came out half an hour later & noticed the damage

No proof at all then, so they can’t do a thing against you. If there’s no CCTV any number of other vehicles could have been in and out in that half hour and caused the damage.


ivor biggin:
i went back a silver corsa with 2 gouges @ the petrol cap a dent & a light blue paint mark, my trailer was dark blue & the gouges never matched ANY part of the trailer,no one saw nowt, but i was told i was the last driver in!!,ever had the feeling you’ve been set up!! :imp:

Dont know what you deliver mate but is it a possibility that if it’s on pallets the light blue mark’s off a CHEP blue? Or a roll cage? if so is it possible one of the yard monkeys has done it when shifting stuff round the yard and decided to keep his mouth shut and blame you? Wouldnt surprise me mate, had more or less the exact same done to me once.