Setting up a website

Does anyone know anything about setting up a website? My mate’s had enough of the trucking life (think he wants to spend more time with his daughter) and is in the process of starting his own Man and Van business. He’s not the most techy of guys so I’ve offered to help out setting up his site, and then once it’s all set up he can hopefully manage it himself. I could really use some advice about which host to use though. First thing to crop up was this: . Has anyone used them before? Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Cheers.

Only trouble with that is once its made, you are stuck there. You can’t take the site with you if you want to move host.
You’d be better off just buying some hosting and a domain name and then making a Wordpress site yourself.
I use TSO host, and they have never let me down. I have a few reasonably high traffic sites with them.
Making a WP site seems quite daunting at first, but it’s pretty simple once you get your head around it.

The one and one deal is ok but as said you are locked in to it, the do normal hosting also.

My way is to buy domain and host that with 123-reg then point it to were ever I have hosted site.

Thanks both, I hadn’t even considered that I couldn’t take the site with me if I wanted to move host - shows how much I know about this! I’ll definitely have a look at the recommendations, sounds like it’s worth taking time over and getting it right.

you can also buy or download free html templates. Buy your domain name and pay for hosting, then get yourself a second hand book like html for dummies and off you go. Cheap as chips.

Thats pretty much how I learnt. I’d deconstruct html templates and then try to rebuild them. I also used to build pages from scratch in notepad just tying HTML code and then seeing what it looked like in IE, adding bit here and there to see what effect it had.
I then moved onto PHP and CSS, which was a bit more tricky!

Trouble is, stuff moves on so fast, I don’t have a clue about HTML 5, and standard HTML is pretty much redundant now

If he wants to spend more time at home he is definitely going into the right business. He will spend plenty of time at home. Admittedly not getting paid and at the same time getting more stressed.

If you decide to get your own hosting there are plenty of coupons knocking about to get your first month for next to nothing as well.

Try these, should knock the first month down to $0.01 use coupon hostwindspromo use coupon cheapbabyplan

There are hundreds of these things knocking about though for loads of hosts, these just seem to be the most popular.