Semtex on Radio 2

Yep, thats right.

Did anybody hear Jeremy Vine on Wednesday (I know a lot of you don’t like him) when talking about the buggies on buses?

Pet hate of mine when I was on them, so I called in and ended up being put on air :open_mouth:

If you fancy a listen, then listen again via the Radio 2 website…I’m on at about 50 mins

I heard you. Nicley put I think.

I have a question for you. I have always wondered what happens once Jeremy cuts you off. Does the line just go dead or do you get passed back to someone that tells you ok thanks, bugger off■■?

i heard you stu and you did well on there.

My daughter has to use a double buggy for my two very young grandchildren and she cannot drive so public transport is her only option’
She says most bus drivers are ok but there are some right horrible ones.
Many times she has to wait for the next bus or the one after that because the spaces for pushchairs are already taken and trying to collapse a double buggy and making sure the baby and the 18 month old are ok at the same time is virtually impossible if she is alone with them.

Less stressful truck driving in sunny Cornwall… :smiley: :smiley: