Securing dutch / danish trolleys on curtain sider

Hello. Hope this is In the correct forum.
Any advice on securing danish plant trolleys in a curtain sider?

depends how your going to unload . (from the side or back ) and how your putting them on the trailer , I think we did 4 or 5 across the trailer, a few bits odd dunnage 1x1 half nailed in by the wheels on the outside edge makes a rave, then use the internal straps in a cross, across the back and pulled forward if you understand what i’m on about… you cant pull too much as the frame will twist and after all you just want to prevent movement. if your side tipping you’ll also want internals on the side of each run of 4/5 trollies just to hold in place when opening the curtain.

is this a one off or an ongoing contract as plants usually buds need temp control or the buds burst to early .
who you pulling the plants for and what area you going into (pm) if you don’t want to say too much on here …

Easiest if the trailer has got roof posts as you can secure straps to these and loop round the outside of the cages/trollies. Also easier if the trollies have steering casters only one end and fixed wheels the other in this case nest them so they aren’t going to want to roll sideways to the edge of the trailer.

If no roof posts to strap to you really want to aim to pull the whole lot up against the headboard, under tension, and then cross of straps at the back to prevent sideways movement. You may need to be careful where you put the hooks into the trollies try to put them close to shelves or the base as a 5 ton ratchet strap will bend the upright posts if you’re not careful.

Edit - just realised Nick has put broadly the same. If you’ve got plenty of straps I would tend to go with those as depending how the trollies are loaded internal straps can damage the contents as they will tend to cut into the top layer.

Carefully… HTH