Search Function is Crap

As per title - when you do a search for a subject and it gives you several choices to look at, if the topic is not relevant and you click on the back button you lose all the found topics and have to do a brand new search again too, whats that in aid of ? anywonder people dont look and keep asking the same info :imp:

I found that annoying too :angry:

if the topic is not relevant and you click on the back button you lose all the found topics :imp:

I agree this is a hassle - but one way round it is once you have the search results, right click on the thread you want to look at and open the result in a new window or tab. This can then be closed without losing the search results.

…and you click on the back button you lose all the found topics…

Not with a decent browser. Internet Explorer does lose them but with Firefox you can click back to the list of topics no problem.


…and you click on the back button you lose all the found topics…

Not with a decent browser. Internet Explorer does lose them but with Firefox you can click back to the list of topics no problem.

Just tried it and it works in firefox and it also works in opera so obviously either of these are better choices than IE which is the evil spawn of microsoft.

However if you use internet explorer, when the back button does not work after a search just press F5 ( refresh ) then retry - or alternatively right click as described above.