Search Button!

Having just read another post asking for readily available info, complete with a ‘frustrated answer’ (from MM) it occurred to me that the search button is simply not big enough to be noticed.

I know it might mess with the aesthetics of the site but would it be possible to either make it a larger, brighter, flashing kind of button?? Maybe just altering its size/location will do . . . . . . but I doubt it! :unamused:

I don’t think so. And I appreciate your frustration, having just browsed a thread about Medical costs, when we already have a dedicated thread to discounted offers, but the forums are based (as I understand it) on a heavily updated version of the ‘open source’ PHP software.

Following the acquisition of the site by RPI, (I assume) that we no longer have the ‘contractual’ support from the U.S. based ‘techies’, other than on a ‘my mates’ basis, and therefore such enhancements, even if technically possible, are unlikely.

For some people, you could put a banner across the screen, and they still wouldn’t choose to read it.

:unamused: :unamused: :unamused: