
Words fail me, what an absolute piece of human excrement, totals his car, looks at his dying girlfriend lying in the road and then runs away…

The autocensor prevents me from voicing my true feelings towards this piece of filth, this cowardly excuse for a man.

Suffice to say that if there is justice he’ll be the plaything for the worst gang in that prison.

He had 27 previous convictions lol. Probably be out in about 3 years max

Not to victim blame but…surely she’d have seen some red flags in him prior to this

If that was one of my daughters, I’d take great pleasure (after waiting patiently to he got out) get a cast iron alibi to my whereabouts…(obvs,) collar him, douse him with petrol and torch the ■■■■.
I sincerely hope the young girl’s Dad is like minded.

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Would you as a father have said something to your (imaginary in this case) daughter about the kind of guy she’s with, assuming you kind of knew…I mean 27 convictions for 55 offenses that would be hard to hide from everyday life and behavior…

I don’t know what his previous convictions were for but I doubt there would be anything to suggest he would run away and leave his girlfriend seriously injured in the car.

He deserves every one of those 10 years for that alone :angry:

The impression I get from Millennials,it is the norm to have a low moral code with a disregarding attitude to the next person

Possibly intentional might explain it ?.

All down to a general breakdown in society where kids are not brought up properly, nor taught values and good manners, due to pathetic,and pi55 poor, parents and parenting.
In a nutshell


What I wonder about in cases like this is, when does the 10 year driving ban start? From the moment of conviction, which would be stupid, or the moment of release?

What good is a driving ban ? he was already disqualified so he’s not going to be concerned about a driving ban however long it is. It would have helped if the judge had said “10 years, NO remission, no parole, no early release”
And where the hell has a disqualified driver got his hands on an S3 ? they’re lethal at the best of times.

The perfect storm maybe a girl who just liked bad wrong un’s and wanted to be with a nutter who liked driving with homicidal intent maybe drugs involved too.
Parenting becomes moot at that point like Bonnie and Clyde.Don’t even know about their parental background it was never made part of their story.Both obviously out of any parental control long before then.