Screen cleaning utility exclusive for TNUK members

Here’s an exclusive utility to improve the quality of your Computer Display.

Apparently the electrons build up on the inside of the screen with time and the picture deteriorates. This TNUK exclusive program can be used to ‘clean’ the inside of the screen and the improvement is very noticeable.

I highly recommend it. If you’d like to try it, simply click on the following link.

The program is free, works automatically, and takes only about 45 seconds to do its job.


It missed a bit! :laughing:

Nice one :smiley:

:sunglasses: :sunglasses: How do you get it to do the outside :question: :question: :question:

Super Dan:
Here’s an exclusive utility to improve the quality of your Computer Display.

Apparently the electrons build up on the inside of the screen with time and the picture deteriorates. This TNUK exclusive program can be used to ‘clean’ the inside of the screen and the improvement is very noticeable.

I highly recommend it. If you’d like to try it, simply click on the following link.

The program is free, works automatically, and takes only about 45 seconds to do its job.

detest cats,but this one is ok.