Scrappers- exports-abandoned trucks

Any pics Of any motors goin for export, been abandoned or left to rot in yards etc ■■

There’s a thread of many pages called graveyard or something similar with hundreds of them.

Hanky spanky has a yard full of scrap trucks :grimacing: Mark check out his posts I am sure you will find what you are looking for :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

Volvo Thetford have got this sitting in a corner

Volvo Thetford have got this sitting in a corner

I think I may have driven that, in Scotland at the Volvo truck and bus plant in Ayrshire, they had a red one
that was used on parts collections etc etc .
I will show the father in law who worked there .

if i remember next time i go there, i will see if there are any number plates on it.