Scrapbook Memories (Part 1)

pete smith:


Hi again,a few more cuttings…Cheers Bubbs, :wink:

Hello bubbleman ,lovely picture of Lloyds Ludlow on Ludford bridge before the bypass ,just beyond the bridge but out of view is the old Temeside garage where Tony LLoyds father first started up ,before going to bigger premises down Corvedale street .
May i also say thank you for the Swains of Stetton Scania ,bubbleman back on the Scania 111 thread ! Trevor

Morning Trevor,
A pic of the original Temeside garage in Ludlow, the ground is still owned by the Lloyd family, Cheer’s Pete

Love that picture Pete,“Breakdown Ambulance” indeed!


pete smith:


Hi again,a few more cuttings…Cheers Bubbs, :wink:

Hello bubbleman ,lovely picture of Lloyds Ludlow on Ludford bridge before the bypass ,just beyond the bridge but out of view is the old Temeside garage where Tony LLoyds father first started up ,before going to bigger premises down Corvedale street .
May i also say thank you for the Swains of Stetton Scania ,bubbleman back on the Scania 111 thread ! Trevor

Morning Trevor,
A pic of the original Temeside garage in Ludlow, the ground is still owned by the Lloyd family, Cheer’s Pete

Hello pete ,thank you for that ,i just remember after Lloyds had moved it had become Temeside rentals and was owned then by Vincent Greenhaus of Shrewsbury as all the vehicles were either Bedfords and Vauxhalls ,Trevor


pete smith:


Hi again,a few more cuttings…Cheers Bubbs, :wink:

Hello bubbleman ,lovely picture of Lloyds Ludlow on Ludford bridge before the bypass ,just beyond the bridge but out of view is the old Temeside garage where Tony LLoyds father first started up ,before going to bigger premises down Corvedale street .
May i also say thank you for the Swains of Stetton Scania ,bubbleman back on the Scania 111 thread ! Trevor

Morning Trevor,
A pic of the original Temeside garage in Ludlow, the ground is still owned by the Lloyd family, Cheer’s Pete

Hello pete ,thank you for that ,i just remember after Lloyds had moved it had become Temeside rentals and was owned then by Vincent Greenhaus of Shrewsbury as all the vehicles were either Bedfords and Vauxhalls ,Trevor

The photo is just how I remember the scene, apart from the vehicles which would have been Bedfords with livestock bodies when I first passed the site.


Retired Old ■■■■:


Retired Old ■■■■:
The big Roller in a Big J would have been a bit of an oddity for BRS. Any thoughts, H?

BRS seemed to like the Rolls, they had them fitted in their Scammell’s as well.


Maybe it was a case of “try it & see” after having the Roller in the Crusaders? Most of the BRS Big Js had ■■■■■■■ 205 lumps.
Apart from 40-ish with 240 Gardners, of course!
Let’s see if he’s taking any notice!!!

So if my arithmetic is correct this will take the total Big J 240 LXB production to 80 + this claim will set the “believers” into [zb] orbit with this latest claim ! Dear oh [zb] dear !! :unamused: :open_mouth: :frowning: :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:[/quote

Didn’t take him long, Chris!!!

Hiya again,heres a few more clippings,Cheers Bubbs, :wink:

Hi again,nice pair of tippers Lawrence…heres the next bunch of cuttings,Cheers Bubbs, :wink:


I reckon that Alan Dale will still have that ERF four wheeler in his yard, might even have his first A series as well? :laughing:


pete smith:


Hi again,a few more cuttings…Cheers Bubbs, :wink:

Hello bubbleman ,lovely picture of Lloyds Ludlow on Ludford bridge before the bypass ,just beyond the bridge but out of view is the old Temeside garage where Tony LLoyds father first started up ,before going to bigger premises down Corvedale street .
May i also say thank you for the Swains of Stetton Scania ,bubbleman back on the Scania 111 thread ! Trevor

Morning Trevor,
A pic of the original Temeside garage in Ludlow, the ground is still owned by the Lloyd family, Cheer’s Pete

Hi ,the last time i passed the garage it was a D I Y store ! regards Keith

Hi again,nice pair of tippers Lawrence…heres the next bunch of cuttings,Cheers Bubbs, :wink:

Hello bubbs …stunning clipping of the Trevor Phillips Atkinson and Foden …a big thank you from my father …who can remember them well at the Metal Box works in Neath…Geraint

Hi again,nice to hear your Dad enjoyed seeing the Trevor Phillips cutting Geraint…heres a few Welsh motors today.Cheers Bubbs, :wink:




Hi again,heres a few more cuttings,Cheers Bubbs, :wink:

Hi again,heres a few more cuttings,Cheers Bubbs, :wink:

Smart and unusual cab for Hillcrest’s Mammoth Major 8.

That pic of the Foden S24 in Slaters livery is interesting as it looks as though they had a sub contractor (G.E Lowther) working for them? :confused: I had assumed that they operated all their own fleet but presumably that wasn’t so. I did my driver training with them when they were part of the Thomas Tilling group of companies.


Hi again,heres a few more clippings,the first was a letter sent to a magazine from Ron Chapman…a real nice interesting chap whom I met on several occasions,Cheers Bubbs, :wink:

Hi again,nice to hear your Dad enjoyed seeing the Trevor Phillips cutting Geraint…heres a few Welsh motors today.Cheers Bubbs, :wink:

Hi P Leiner had a processing plant on the Treforest ind estate ,Joint Motorways would haul bones from the continent to it ,regards Keith

Hi again,heres a few more cuttings,Cheers Bubbs, :wink:


Don’t try to tell me that’s not photoshopped bubbs ! :open_mouth:

Hi Bubbs,
Nice to see one of Kenny Graingers Commers, his yard and garage, all gone now, was a treasure trove of parts from truck spares to a brand new boxed headlamp for a Rolls Royce Silver Ghost! His relation Barry, restored a 1920’s Chevrolet in Graingers colours but I have not seen it about for 20+ years, Cheer’s Pete

pete smith:
Hi Bubbs,
Nice to see one of Kenny Graingers Commers, his yard and garage, all gone now, was a treasure trove of parts from truck spares to a brand new boxed headlamp for a Rolls Royce Silver Ghost! His relation Barry, restored a 1920’s Chevrolet in Graingers colours but I have not seen it about for 20+ years, Cheer’s Pete

Yes pete ,remember those Commers coming into GKN Wellington ,back in the day ,thank you Trevor