Scottish indepedence

Was thinking today about the Scottish independence question, and wondering what the opinions are for both Scots and non-Scots?

Quite happy to get shot of the porridge ■■■■■ just as long as we don’t have to keep bailing them out with pots of cash every time they need more tennants.

what does it matter anyway cause its not gonna happen

what does it matter anyway cause its not gonna happen


My opinion is that I’m not particularly fussed either way as to whether the Scots get full independence, I do however believe that the Scots should get the chance to determine their own destiny.

I think any vote should ONLY be open to Scots living in Scotland though, I don’t believe that any Englishmen/women should be eligible to vote, no more than any Scots living outside Scotland. I think that any vote should be by Scots and Scots alone in order to stave off any future recriminations.

If the Scots do gain independence I also believe they should have total autonomy to determine their own laws and taxes etc. i also reckon that in an independent Scotland only Scottish MP’s should serve in their parliament, of course it goes without saying that Scottish MP’s would have no place nor say in the British parliament (I say “British” because England, Wales and N. Ireland would still be British but obviously Scotland would not).

As for currency, border controls, free trade etc I can’t see any point in changing the current system we have.

who knows what that fat idiot in holyrood will come up with if it happens

i hope that they do vote for indipendance , good riddance the oil has almost gone ,

Quite happy to get shot of the porridge [zb], just as long as we don’t have to keep bailing them out with pots of cash every time they need more tennants.


i hope that they do vote for indipendance , good riddance the oil has almost gone ,

And that is why the building program for the oil related industry is running at an all time high and recruitment is in full flow with the average wage in the region of £80K per year, that’s a fact not like your fiction :slight_smile: (I’m English but lived in Scotland for the last 19 years and the BEST best move I ever made)

who knows what that fat idiot in holyrood will come up with if it happens

And you have the Cameroooooon and his lapdog/bendoverboy Cleggy :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing: and all the other downright bloody crooks, that says alot IMO

Sorry double post :blush:

Will the wall need rebuilding?

Porrige eaters better than (“eels urgh”) ,bail us out. Give us a break. Without our massive contribution, eg. Gordon Brown, Subo, penicillan,u sassenachs would be in the ■■■■. I dont care, i start on my new job as border security at gretna come october and a few ln here are on my “watch” list.

Scots have spent 300+ year as ‘junior partners’ condescended to in a ‘Union’ . They now have a chance to be the proud nation that they can be, I cannot see why they would not seize the chance with both hands. FFS go for it and self determination. When you go to vote , remember Burns saying (amongst other good advice) “We were bought and sold for English gold, such a parcel of rogues in a nation”

who knows what that fat idiot in holyrood will come up with if it happens

guarenteed the first thing that will happen is the taxes will rise too pay for all the freebies we be having for the last few years.


what does it matter anyway cause its not gonna happen



No the first thing wee Salmond would do would be to make himself PRESIDENT SALMOND and then don’t forget LADY NICOLA STURGEON. Eddie.

I’m not sure the level of state financial support that people receive could be maintained post independence. Free prescriptions, elderly care, university education to name a few. Also their wish list when it comes to defence seems unaffordable.

When the Scots realise what they will lose in benefits and jobs on the Clyde when we no longer build UK warships there, they will think again. Their oil reserves are often touted as a steady source of become but what happens when that runs out??

I’m no Cameron lover, but the thought of President Salmond is frightening.

Jobs on the Clyde went a long time ago now! What’s left is miniscule by comparison.

Porrige eaters better than (“eels urgh”) ,bail us out. Give us a break. Without our massive contribution, eg. Gordon Brown, Subo, penicillan,u sassenachs would be in the [zb]. I dont care, i start on my new job as border security at gretna come october and a few ln here are on my “watch” list.

Just had a good laugh at your carefully chosen examples!

As for the subject, I am passing. I`ll only get it all wrong.