Scanias - for the less than portly drivers only, apparently!

I’m a fat git. I mean, johnny vegas meets andy fordham sort of fatty-boom-boom, without the fordham waddle and I’m blessed with low blood pressure etc so not on the verge of a heart attack (yet). able to leap up and down into the high/tall cabs all day long, swing off the curtains, hang off the mirrors and climb up into the back without steps, jump down etc with the best of them.

and so at an interview for a job I REALLY wanted today, I was told I’d got a job!
then the medical declrations form was seen, so not an offer, just the promise of one…
got to get under 20 stone as apparently… well… as follows…

scania have decided that their seats are only fit to take under 20 stones, and refuse to accept any liability for injuries to a driver over that weight if they’re injured as a result of the seats going wrong in a crash.

but they’re not public with the info, the employer I went to found out by mistake by email among a bunch of other info emails sent in bulk or something.

ny one else had trouble with scania agreeing liability and so forcing companies to make existing drivers trim down before being allowed out on the road again - and new drivers to trim before they can join the payroll ■■

agreed the big fat trucker as the norm aint a thing of the present, just the slightly rotund normal fella/lady - but surely there’s enough of us fatties and americans too, for manufacturers to make em up to spec for super-size big-mac bloater kings as the norm? same as ikea for example have the average customer weight but add 150% on top so if dawn french sits down with phil jupitus on her knee, it’ll take it. ?

bit ■■■-ey if you ask me :frowning:

Do Scania design and make their own seats or something, never noticed any weight limits posted on the Isri seats I’ve sat on.
If Scania have a design weight limit, then surely it should be posted noticably on the seat in the cab, along with a test certificate.

thats what I thought.

apparently until either they’remodified or the trucks are replaced, there’s no option they see suitable, knowing what they know - so if I lose the flab, fine the job is there. if there’s mods or replacements first then again I’ll have a job. not their policy as a company, just an unfortunate issue.

are fodens scanias too? they use lots of them you see.

Its unusual to see a trucker over 20 stone isnt it?, after all they all have time to go to the local gym every night dont they??.,… :frowning: :frowning:

I was once refused a job for being too small, havent had a problem since, nor before…though my wife did complain once :blush:

Scanias are just horrible if you ask me. I’m 6’ 3" and the few times I’ve driven them my back has started to ache after about 20 minutes. Tried every which way with the seat, but combined with the stupid (un-adjustable as far as I can work out) angle of the steering wheel, it just doesn’t make for a good ride.

i am 6,3 also and i hate scanias. the position of the seat in relation to the pedals is terrible. bad back guaranteed
that said , i think out of every thing i have driven a scania has the most adjustable steering i have seen to date, unlike an erf ec which was appalling.

I was in ASDA Lutterworth the other day, parked across from the bays waiting to be called onto the bay to tip. When a rather portly geezer waddles over to his truck on one of the bay from the goods in office after collecting his keys,
he proceededs to get in his cab and pulls the truck off the bay far enough so he can close the trailer doors. he stops, opens the cab door and jumps out down onto the ground, Where as soon as he hits the ground, his jeans continued to head south with the momentum generated by him jumping out of the cab, so a split second after he hits the ground hes stood with his pants around his ankles with a hairy / spotty ar$e facing the rest of us all parked across from the bays leaving several drivers sat in in their cabs ROFLAO.
I wish I`d had a camera handy, we could have run a caption comp on ere