Scania opti-cruise

Is anybody familiar with said gearbox?
Its supposed to be better in the R series than it was in the 4 series, but I wouldnt know.
and now you cant order a 4 series from Scania only the new and improved version will be available, so if the old one was good then the new one should be better if you get my drift?? :open_mouth: :open_mouth:


Hello Paul,

Opti cruise, is OK, I have heard drivers complaning that it is slow to change, When pulling off at islands etc, But the system can be manually overidden to achive faster changes at low speeds then push the stick back into automatic mode and its happy,

I have not seen it in the R series yet but I know some people at my work have seen it on a pre production model, The gearstick has now been removed and it is controlled via a stalk near the steering wheel, It is supposed to have redesigned software to speed up the changes, Also some people moan about the gearchange on a second hand truck(for example) this is down to the previous owners as the system is suppose to learn how the driver drives it and adjusts gearshifting to suit, This can be deleted by a visit to the dealer who can reset the system and then it will learn from your driving,

Sometimes and I mean sometimes the system can get confused and may take a little longer to sort its self out,

Also you will get next to no clutch wear as the system uses the clutch for starting and stopping but when it changes going down the road, the engien speed is matched to the gearbox speed by the electronics and the gear changes without the use of the clutch, Also still having a clutch peadal makes reversing in a tight space as easy as a manual box,Hope this helps

thanks very much for your reply, i just had a stralis on demo with an auto box and i thought it was great, but im now looking more closely at an r series, so id thought id get some info on the opti cruise, cheers!


thanks very much for your reply, i just had a stralis on demo with an auto box and i thought it was great, but im now looking more closely at an r series, so id thought id get some info on the opti cruise, cheers!


Paul, if the Stralis was so great why are you looking at Scania :question: :smiling_imp:

it all comes down to price rob, and scania seem to want a sale so ive told him what i want and hes gone away for the weekend to think about it, i dont want another 4 series, ( you cant get one now, anyway ) which is why i was looking elsewhere, im in no rush, so im keeping my options open, and it still could be a stralis, so we shall wait and see.


From what Scania’s test man told me the software in the Opticruise has been improved, so that shifting is a bit quicker, and more intelligent. At the end of the day it’s still a converted manual box, unlike the Volvo and ZF AStronic which are non-synchro.

I haven’t driven a new Scania yet so I don’t know what it’s like, but that clutch pedal is still in place which is something you either like or you don’t.

Clutch pedal, no thanks. Where would I put my left leg?

Note, any suggestions that are medically or anatomically impossible will be deleted on the grounds of good taste. :wink: :smiley: