Scania cab layout

My latest offering might be a high cab with the one “fold away” bunk and a near useless large box type thing sat on the engine cover…

What’s all this about ?

At least with the twin bunks it gave you some storage space. This doesn’t even have that, and I guess I’m going to have to find somewhere to store the bedding ? Along with clothes, food, fridge, tele, well you know…

Surely can’t be expected to live all week in this or am I missing sumut ?

the box thing is a draw and there should be some small lockers on the back wall just leave the bedding on the bed

just tell the boss the vehicle isnt suitable for the work he expects you to do…remind him that he should consult with drivers before getting new vehicles otherwise he will find himself with vehicles that no one wants to drive…i for one would not spend one night away in a wendy house…its about time the bosses started to wake up…at least the drivers are beginning to…

the box thing is a draw and there should be some small lockers on the back wall just leave the bedding on the bed

You’re not my boss in disguise are you, sure that’s what he’ll come out with…

I’m aware the “box” is a draw, more trouble than it’s worth it seems.

Didn’t notice any lockers at the back but if they’re anything like the one’s above your head… near useless

As for leaving you bedding on the bunk, now your having a laugh… And what am I supposed to do with the rest of my stuff ? It’s like moving home when I change units :unamused:

just tell the boss the vehicle isnt suitable for the work he expects you to do

Don’t worry I intend to… I can see it driving me nuts and don’t expect to last out the week… :frowning:

the lockers on the back wall are mainly use less unless you have th storeage kit on the back wall just dont carry so much crap wilth you

the lockers on the back wall are mainly use less unless you have th storeage kit on the back wall just dont carry so much crap wilth you

Excuse me, crap ?

I carry what I regard as bare essential, not crap…

Do you regard a couple of changes of clothes, wet gear, cooking gear, food, fridge, bedding, cleaning, and maps as crap ? cause I don’t…

So what am I supposed to do with all this “crap” ?

Looks like I might have to concede on the tv, but keep it up Alix this good practise for Monday mornin :laughing:

steve is it a 4 series r type cab or a topline or a new high line

steve is it a 4 series r type cab or a topline or a new high line

It’s an X reg 4 series, high cab. Not topline or “s” cab.

My previous had the double bunk, like most I guess ? Ideal for storage on the top bunk considering the limited space.

We’ve had a few of these single bunk units of late, recent builds… 53/03

Ridiculous layout if you ask me…

ahhh t right a standard r cab then with the supid solo layout then the seat is supposed to have a good bit of stowages in it i think your supposed to leave the bunk down and utilise the space under there

watch those draws in the middle steve they really are [zb]

the one i used to drive kept opening when i pulled off ,not good when you got a brew in front of it. i usedto keep mine shut with my hour guard and some of that felt tape stuff.

many uses for a hour guard :wink:

there should be underbunk storage for your tele on the passenger side and a external locker on the driver side.

apart from that its ram it in the passenger footwell



steve is it a 4 series r type cab or a topline or a new high line

It’s an X reg 4 series, high cab. Not topline or “s” cab.

My previous had the double bunk, like most I guess ? Ideal for storage on the top bunk considering the limited space.

We’ve had a few of these single bunk units of late, recent builds… 53/03

Ridiculous layout if you ask me…

4-series high cab? Eh?

Afaik, the 4 series only came in 3 shapes. Flat roof, streamline and topline. As you’ve said it isn’t topline so it isn’t that and what the hell is an “s” cab ? I’m imagining you mean a streamline cab but you won’t get double bunks in there because it’s too small. The only 4-series with double bunks in is the topline I think. Someone correct me if I’m wrong pls.

The only 4-series with double bunks in is the topline I think. Someone correct me if I’m wrong pls.

the 114 that i drive at the mo rob is standard fleet cab and its got double bunks


Standard spec for the ‘R’ cab is with double bunks. You can specify it as a ‘solo’ cab, so that the bottom bunk is raised about 9 inches, and you get extra storage underneath it.
I always thought they looked like a good idea, but having had a standard double bunk ‘R’ Cab, don’;t think I would want a solo cab now. It reminds me too much of the EC11 I had… :laughing: :laughing:

this is and 4 serries R cab
sorry about the pic only one i could find i thought i had another

4 series topline

this is only flavors the 4 series came in there was a flatter roof special that was for car transporters but that was mainly taken up in p cab form there was also a R cab day cab too
rob i think your thinking of the 3 series as it came in r cab standard topline and streamline was available as standard flat roof and topline

I did 18 months tramping in a 4-series P-cab ( 3 weeks in a 3-series P-cab before that…suffice to say I mutinied… :open_mouth: ), and the best thing I ever did was have the passenger seat taken out - made the footwell much bigger.

I then put all my kit - and trust me, I have so much kit I haven’t room for it all in the space-cabbed Stralis, woman that I am - into those durable plastic boxes, and bunged a couple of gurt great cushions on top.

All was safe, rattle-free and secure during the day, and at night I used the cushions to turn the bunk into a sofa with a padded foot stool. It was bearable enough that I turned down several brand new Premiums in favour of the P-reg Scania.

Just a thought. :bulb:

Ps. The cushions and boxes are handy in the Stralis too…and make life far easier when I have to do a clear out for MOT/holiday… :wink:

Since a very reluctant start in this “solo cab”, two weeks down the line and I have to say I‘m beginning to warm to it…

While the overall storage space is on par with the “double bunk” layout I do find it less convenient, as in groping behind the drivers seat to where my boxes are. I also miss that vertical space at the end of the bunk where I kept the cleaning gear due to no door pockets. The extra size passengers footwell is handy for the tv and fridge but it does mean no more lifts for hitchhikers . :frowning:

What I do now prefer is the raised bunk, it certainly makes thing easier getting dressed/undressed and is nice for sitting on… might even take a leaf out of Lucy’s book and get some cushions. Even the centre box has it’s uses, makes for a nice tray for the ashtray and bottle of wine, and with the bunk raised slightly a handy place to leave the maps open…

All and all I can live with it, not sure about the job now though. :unamused: