Saw these in a barn

In Manea, Cambridgeshire a few weeks ago.

Still solid old gals.

Wow wonderful memories 1st motor I drove after passing my test was a 111 on tilts out of Flexistowe.

Also drove a 142 as well and that pulled like a train after the A series ERF I had been driving.

Is the third one down the original Willi Betts?? :laughing: :laughing:

A very nice selection of young oldies,
thanks for shareing them,

h fox and sons are (or were at least a couple of months ago) still going, got an 85 on bulk at least

the first 111 in the pics was in the charity convoy a couple of years back (hence the sunstrip) but i have no idea if it was still working at the time (i would love to have a drive in it though!!)

h fox and sons are (or were at least a couple of months ago) still going, got an 85 on bulk at least

the first 111 in the pics was in the charity convoy a couple of years back (hence the sunstrip) but i have no idea if it was still working at the time (i would love to have a drive in it though!!)

W H Betts are still trading as well - still based at Poplar Farm, March, Cambridgeshire.

Kindle, how did you happen on this collection? Are they all owned by the same person?

W H Betts are still trading as well - still based at Poplar Farm, March, Cambridgeshire.


yes indeed, they have a lot (say a lot, a few) dark blue scanias on bulk, and i think maybe even a man (or 2?)

forgot all about them (was a bit tired last night!!)

chorcheela, i had a delivery to a mill, while i was there i noticed all these motors sitting in a shed. Not sure on the ownership thou, sorry.

Nice photos

still think the Ergomatic cab looks nice :smiley:


I live a few miles from Manea.

Fox, to quote the lettering on the motors, is still ‘on the run’. :smiley:

The W H Betts scanis was driven by a bloke called craig who udes to dont know if he still does take part in the east coast truckers convoy.

W H Betts also used to run a volvo FL10 globetrotter which my old neighbour karl used to drive for them.

they are owned by different people, or at least thats what the guy told me when i delivered either peat or feed into them sheds for storage