Saviem's fan club (Part 2)

The Citroën on Pic 6 was just used to move semi-trailers between two nearby factories. It would by no ways have been able to drag a loaded semi-trailer.

Berliet GBH 12 6x4 (1972). At the time I tokk the picture (ca 2000), it had been withdrawn from road use, and limited to a grain storage site.

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Nice one Paul! Did you took a picture of the Maggie D as well?

Hello folks, heres some pics of my old Saviem SM8 (Renault TRM4000), its finally getting some love after 7 years sitting :+1:

Cheers all, D

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In 7 years I hope the tin-worm haven’t built a big home
Keeping it as military standard dropside? Or changing it?

What is the US(?) pick up?

Good luck and power to your elbow. :grinning:


All in all its in pretty good shape rust wise, the drop sides need work but someone plodded up before, at least I can see what needs attention now :+1:
Gonna keep it military but might make some changes, Im thinking of putting a winch on the bed near the cab and a rolling tailboard at the back end. US oil patch trucks use these, you can load/unload pretty much anything you can strap to a skid.
The pickup is a 1977 C10 swb stepside, that also needs some love, thankfully im bit better positioned to do some now as Ive recently put a pit in the garage, no small task :sweat_smile:

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Gardner 6LW powered Miesse 618T (Belgium)


Those are monster trucks, and I love 'em, but what about the first pic? And some of us thought that it was the Aussies that invented A-Doubles. Who needs the wide open spaces of Australia when you have Belgium to operate in? :rofl:

And what a cool dude casually leaning against his wheel, here’s another from a later era:

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France has always had them: short 20’ semi-trailer with a 20’ drawbar. There were some around when I was still driving. Most of them appeared to be on container work and I got the impression that they were restricted to certain routes or areas. Similar outfits using 40’ skellies have been in restricted use round the port area of Rotterdam for donkey’s years.

We have trucks carting four forty foot containers, restricted to port precincts.

Yes, of course, I remember them now, just for containers but none down here. I used to see them most often when heading to and from Rouen.

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When we lived near Gap we used to see them heading up towards Grenoble from Marseille(I guess), 2 20 ’ short tandems hooked up with a single axle dolly. They used to weave all over the road and clank like hell going round roundabouts as they were on multi leaves!

Faun L 900

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