I seem to remember a picture on here some years ago of a Foden 8 wheeler with a 5th wheel on the deck carrying beams on a small dolly some metres behind the wagon. In Kent I think, because it was parked outside a hotel I was staying in while my wagon was being repaired nearby.
Great story! And prove that most Italians are actually quite nice people😉.
Piacenza is a regular tipping address for me actually, I offload combine harvesters there that get a special treatment, meaning a wider front axle and hydraulic cylinders, so that the harvester still works on steep hills and such, very interesting to see. To give you an idea, I’ll attach some pic’s of older machines that were converted.
I’m guessing that the drivers got paid by the hour? ahum… I’ll get me coat…
Might have been featured on the “Heavy haulage through the years” page?
Possibly, but it was a long time ago when I posted it.
Been trying to find the cafes in Italy I stopped at, the one on the way back was near Susa I think and it had a very small parking area, room for the 3 artics that were there and me plus one other besides and I think it was called La Rosa Blu.
Talking of nice Italians I wasn’t too sure where to go to at Piacenza so I drove towards the peage as if joining the autostrada and stopped before it and asked directions from the police there. After putting me right they stopped all the trafiic in both directions to allow me to do a Uie to get back on route.
Some old heavies,and tankers
Since this new format I’ve not been getting emails when some one posts on here, so I’ve not had the chance to reply. I will check again and try to to see why
Correct me if wrong, but I list the above pics as follows:
Leyland Super Hippo
Buzzer, I was at the Locomotive show (south east of Paris) in 2019 and the same Willeme was there. A fine looking machine.
Hi Johnny…hope all’s well with you and your family. Thanks for the reply.
Nothing in spam, and have this set up in my profile you showed, also, didn’t get the notification that you’d replied.
Also, how can you PM someone, or can’t you now ?
Why fix things if it ain’t broke eh !!
Was it really 5 years ago we were there, …Where does the time go…?
Top of the page, click on the speach bubble, then on DM. PMs have been renamed DM.
Thanks, got it, have sent you a D.M.to try it.
Is there still some sort of Locomotion being held somewhere? Mrs Whips was mentioning it the other day, she wouldn’t mind going to something like that again.
Pure art on wheels that, Herr Sutherland
The “dunno” is a Berliet TDM 10 W (ca 1950-53).