Satellite navigation.What have you got?

I also keep track of my hours on a spreadsheet,

Is that a spreadsheet you’ve knocked together yourself or have you downloaded it from somewhere?

I am very interested in this idea and had been experimenting with a few variations myself. I would appreciate having a look (or a copy) if possible??!! :wink:

I was trying to incorporate a WTD checker within the hours calculator but the program available as a download on here is good and therefore curbed my motivation somewhat! :blush:

I’ve been looking at buying a Sat Nav, the trouble is there are so many different types to choose from its mind boggling, I was going to buy a Mitec mio 168, but I discovered that the battery is not “user replaceable”, it has to go back to the dealer or factory if it needs a new one, that put me off.

Quinny, as I understand it, the unlocking codes are tied to a specific unit and cant’t be used on any other Navman. At least, thats the case with my iCN510 :unamused: :frowning:

yeah thats right dusty the maps are locked to the unit

Quinny, as I understand it, the unlocking codes are tied to a specific unit and cant’t be used on any other Navman. At least, thats the case with my iCN510

As Alix says,that is correct.

Luckily,I don’t need the French map until August,so there’s no rush to get it,although I do like the speed camera database that I’ve downloaded,and maybe following that,will be the low bridge database.And I’m surprised how many features the 610 has for the entry level unit.


the 610 is top end unit quinny not a entry level :laughing: :open_mouth:


Alright, How many of you lot have a weekend job behind the counter at Dixons or P.C. World :question:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

no if we were in there wed know what we were talking about you cant have that in those shops plus were too old and not spotty

the 610 is top end unit quinny not a entry level

I think I’d be inclined to disagree with you there Alix,because the iCN510 comes with the European map base,whereas the 610 doesn’t.I nearly bought the 510,but decided on the 610 instead,because it was £100 cheaper,although with hindsight,as I need the French map,coupled with the cost of a 512 memory card,it’s gonna cost me £100 anyhow. :confused:

Not only that,I read on various sites.that the 610 was Navman’s entry level sat nav,and replaces the 620.

I’ll see if I can find the quote,and post it with a link,but I’m very happy with it regardless. :slight_smile:


Found it.

Ken. … d=AA005700

All our trucks are fitted with a VDO Dayton Sat-Nav system

Can use it to watch DVD’s aswell :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

use a medion pocket pc with built in sat nav running medion 4.3 .very good apart from trying to send you up works thinks its great and it covers all of europe

they have advantages but i still check my maps

can have mine set for a car,truck or bus will also ask if you want shortest or fastest route

in some build up areas it can lose sig ( as in parts of london ) :unamused: :unamused:

What set do you have ■■? because from what I have read on this thread I don’t like the idea of being sent down roads that are not HGV friendly , you mentioned you can set yours for car,truck or bus. Can you have low bridge warnings & speed camera warnings plus 3d view on yours?.

I would like a Sat Nav system myself but can’t sort out what will be best for me as I have looked at many different types & found that I have confused myself further ,my budget will be about £350.00.
From what I can gather the tomtom system only has sat nav on it only, unlike using a PDA with the tomtom software which I think would be better for me as you can use it for other things like spread sheets,games & movies etc.I don’t like the idea of using a laptop because of the size.On the other hand the Navman looks really good. :confused: :confused: :confused:
Also I believe by using a PDA you can upgrade the software when available + adding extra memory when needed ■■? thus making a bit more future proof.

Can you guys put me straight on a few things : Do you need to pay a monthly subscription to any of the set ups metioned on this thread or do you have to pay while your using it like a mobile or once you have paid for the system you just need to update it now & again ?.If buying a PDA I take that you will need the software + a gps reicever or is there more to make it complete.

i have just bought a compaq laptop and gps reciever to run autoroute2005 on
havent tried it out yet but looks good on paper

mighty have look at this site Im on with the same sn have good look around the site if youve any questions ask

Just looked at the piccy. See you have a reheat button. Is that the same as in fighter jets. Zoom zoom. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: Sorry could’nt resist it. :smiley: