Satellite navigation.What have you got?

I’ve got an iPAQ 2210 with TomTom Navigator 3 and the wired GPS.

If you go the PDA route, you have three options for your GPS:

  • Bluetooth
  • CompactFlash (or similar)
  • Wired

That will be 4 options. The Mitac Mio comes with an integrated GPS reciever onboard. Versatile in that its self powered and you are not tied to a vehicle. (For self powered battery life runs to about 4 hours before requiring a recharge)

Handy if you are into cycling or hiking that sort of stuff. The unit will also work with ordnance survey maps indeed any particular gps software than runs on a windows pocket pc platform. I have pondered the last couple of years about getting a GPS solution that was an all in one and I snapped this up as soon as it came on the market.

I have no affiliation with the site below and do not advocate anyone purchase one from here, if you like it do some research and shop around. This site merley gives a number of personal reviews of the unit itself. … 74&vt=list

I have Tom Tom Go and think it fantastic but I will
have to check the route it give’s me in future as some
roads I have taken in the car are not suitable for anything
bigger :open_mouth: .


I’ve got an iPAQ 2210 with TomTom Navigator 3 and the wired GPS.

If you go the PDA route, you have three options for your GPS:

  • Bluetooth
  • CompactFlash (or similar)
  • Wired

That will be 4 options. The Mitac Mio comes with an integrated GPS reciever onboard. Versatile in that its self powered and you are not tied to a vehicle. (For self powered battery life runs to about 4 hours before requiring a recharge)

Handy if you are into cycling or hiking that sort of stuff. The unit will also work with ordnance survey maps indeed any particular gps software than runs on a windows pocket pc platform. I have pondered the last couple of years about getting a GPS solution that was an all in one and I snapped this up as soon as it came on the market.

I have no affiliation with the site below and do not advocate anyone purchase one from here, if you like it do some research and shop around. This site merley gives a number of personal reviews of the unit itself. … 74&vt=list

i personally rate the mitec 10/10 :smiley:

I have to admit to looking at upgrading mine, If I can convince she who holds the ■■■■■ strings then I will get an XDA and keep it as a wired GPS, then use Bluetooth for the phone. Will keep down the amount of stuff I have to cart around. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Does anyone have an unlocked version of NW France for a Navman iCN 610,I could install on mine?


I have no affiliation with the site below and do not advocate anyone purchase one from here, if you like it do some research and shop around. This site merley gives a number of personal reviews of the unit itself. … 74&vt=list

Well, i’ve been having a good look around and can’t find anywhere that comes near that price!! Good link!! :wink:


I have no affiliation with the site below and do not advocate anyone purchase one from here, if you like it do some research and shop around. This site merley gives a number of personal reviews of the unit itself. … 74&vt=list

Well, i’ve been having a good look around and can’t find anywhere that comes near that price!! Good link!! :wink:

Dont forget you will also need a sd storage card to go with it to put the maps on as they are quite large. I think rule of thumb is get the largest up to 512 megs you can afford. ASAIK the whole of the UK will fit on a 128 card the whole of Europe on a 512. If you have any spare space it can always be used for e books or games or even movies.



I have no affiliation with the site below and do not advocate anyone purchase one from here, if you like it do some research and shop around. This site merley gives a number of personal reviews of the unit itself. … 74&vt=list

Well, i’ve been having a good look around and can’t find anywhere that comes near that price!! Good link!! :wink:

Dont forget you will also need a sd storage card to go with it to put the maps on as they are quite large. I think rule of thumb is get the largest up to 512 megs you can afford. ASAIK the whole of the UK will fit on a 128 card the whole of Europe on a 512. If you have any spare space it can always be used for e books or games or even movies.

i got a 1gig card in tinternet for 60 quid hold the map n some movies i converted to .wmx 100mis approx 128mg something to watch when u r bored waiting at a tip or on ya break :laughing:

they have advantages but i still check my maps

can have mine set for a car,truck or bus will also ask if you want shortest or fastest route

in some build up areas it can lose sig ( as in parts of london ) :unamused: :unamused:

they have advantages but i still check my maps

can have mine set for a car,truck or bus will also ask if you want shortest or fastest route

in some build up areas it can lose sig ( as in parts of london ) :unamused: :unamused:

The tunnels in Birmingham spring to mind, but the go uses it’s processor and works out where you are, based on your recent speed etc. It’s fairly accurate. Your right though, you need to check your map still, it’s just nice to know where you are at any given time :wink:.

The tunnels in Birmingham spring to mind, but the go uses it’s processor and works out where you are, based on your recent speed etc. It’s fairly accurate. Your right though, you need to check your map still, it’s just nice to know where you are at any given time :wink:.

I don’t know about the PDA/TomTom Go-style ones, but some of the in-built car SatNav systems also use gyros to help determine the position in low signal areas (usually cities because of the concrete & steel canyons).

For a few years now I’ve been using Travel Manager on a laptop, but its getting woefully out of date as any roads and Industrial Estates built in the last 5 years don’t feature on its database and I’ve not come across any updates, but otherwise the postcodes are spot on. But…miss a turning and you are [zb]ed :open_mouth: :angry: :angry:
Does the Tom Tom use post codes and/or street/road names :question:
Can it work out the best route for several drops :question:
Can the speeds for different road types be entered for accurate journey times :question:
I must admit I’m very tempted at current prices.
A to Z…R.I.P. :laughing:

Like KW I have the Navman iCN650, I’m on my second as the first developed a fault after a month and was swapped by Navman for a new one. My experience with it is the same as KW, the annoying ‘exit and rejoin at the next junction’ thing is my only issue with it.

Truth be told, if I’d had the money, I’d have had a Garmin jobby, as they’re waterproofed, standard fitment on BMW motorbikes and come with a fitting kit for them to boot, but for over a grand, they want to :wink:. Trouble is, I’m now saliavating over Tom Tom Rider :unamused:.

the xda will work the and bt gps and a bt at the same time
what am i running errrrr if you want the list here goes

aa navigator on all three pdas xda2i ipaq220 and jornada568

xda2i tomtom nav3 with checkpoinnt 3.2 and tomtomtraffic also loaded on the xda is copiolt 5

and my old xda is running the hp navpack with my dad has
the receivers i use are tomtom bluetooth gps, navman 4000 pretec cf gps and a holux cr100 gps cradle

i have a pioneer avic-x1, it is sat nav, radio,cd player, dvd player, also tv tuner, has another larger screen in bunk for dvd or tv, it also plays mp3, cdr & has a camera attachment, actually, the only thing it doesnt do is play tapes! it is the dogs danglies!


any1 thinking of buying tomtom wait!!! as a full new tomtom 5 is due for release in april with updated maps ect

just a thought :laughing: :laughing:

Hummm…am I just being an old fashioned ■■■■ ?
I am not tempted by yet another piece of technology thingie in my cab. I prefer the good old maps which you can flicker through and put your greasy mayonaise fingers on. Nothing beats getting on a conferrence call to another driver and get that human to human advice. And then off course, there’s the over all adrenalin rush when you try to find things from that mental map inside your head and a few scribbles on a note.
Guess that’s why I love going new places.


Owens Girl I’m with you on this one, I have no problem with technology as an aid but what happens with these Satnav devices if they stop. You cannot beat the best computer of them all, the human mind and experience conbined with a good map. I do use Autoroute 05 but I have found post code discrepancies with that so all these ‘gismo’s’ are only as fool proof as the software or the spotty horace that wrote it.

i have a pioneer avic-x1, it is sat nav, radio,cd player, dvd player, also tv tuner, has another larger screen in bunk for dvd or tv, it also plays mp3, cdr & has a camera attachment, actually, the only thing it doesnt do is play tapes! it is the dogs danglies!


I think it looks like a brill bit of kit but i’d say it’s in a different price bracket to most of what has been mentioned so far!!

Dogs danglies indeed!!

I use Directions Navigator on a laptop. I just upgraded to version 4 of the software, which is much better - less buggy and has clearer maps and direction views than the old version.

Like a lot of people have mentioned, some routes take longer than the routes we know to be the quickest. What I do is input the destination before I set off, then navigate myself to within 20 miles or the nearest motorway junction/edge of city, using routes I know, or using a map and then let the computer guide me in the last wee bit. It’s usually better that way. Sometimes it’s downt to judgement as to whether to stay on the motorway an extra few miles and go the long way round to avoid 15 roundabouts or go the most direct route.

I prefer the laptop to a pda. Although it’s more bulky, I can watch movies or TV at night, as well. I also keep track of my hours on a spreadsheet, a;though you shoul be able todo that on your pda as well. Very handy for making sure you don’t go over you maximum hours, or keep your daily/weekly rests legal.