Satellite kTV kits

Im after a satellite kit for my Dad for Xmas, the whole kit, not one where you have to buy the receiver seperate etc. one with the dish that you put outside on the mirror arm or on a pole, he does a lot of trips down to Marseilles, and reasonably regular to Poland, so will want one that goes that far, not just cover the UK. Has anybody got any recomendations or use one, i said about getting one from an Autohof in Germany, but not sure if they will pick up UK telly (suppose it depends on the receiver?). Most of the Maplins ones only work in Northern France so theyre no good. Dont want to spend loads of money either! Thought id post this here as its for eurowide coverage, not just UK. Does anyone on here actually use one abroad■■?

carl try maplins my mate brought one from there for £99 i think and he,s in either lux or belguim and it works fine over there mate

try this link carl

Carl,the ones from the Autohofs work fine,just make sure you get a digital receiver.You can pick them up from the Media-Markt stores in Germany,Holland and Belgium for around the hundred quid mark.
But,(there’s always a but) to get a decent signal from the Astra satellite as far as Marseilles or Poland you are going to need a bigger dish.

The dish I use came with the kit,and it’s a bit of a struggle to pick up a signal even as far north as Bremen,and with digital you either get a signal or you don’t,there’s no in-between.

Have a look at this site

Have a look at THIS, Carl.

The footprint map at the bottom will show you the approximate dish size required for the Astra 2D (which is the one you want for BBC and ITV Freeview) depending on location.

(Apologies for the caravanning link :blush: :blush:)

The kits from Maplins will work fine abroad , but as as already been mentioned you will need a bigger dish.

If you ask nicely at Maplins the kit is sometimes £49.99 and a dish will be around £15-£20 off fleabay.