Sat Nav Problems in Rural Areas … z2gGXgQ8hp

Too many truck drivers rely on the sat nav and need to be aware that places like Cornwall and Devon have some very difficult roads and if you are not sure, check the route.

Don’t really see how the picture in the article has anything to do with sat nav !! Looks more like an idiot with no clue what he’s doing.

‘‘Too many truck drivers rely on the sat nav’’

Nothing truer than that statement, they have their uses but should not be used for route planning, ever.

That truck in the photo was not stuck due to sat nav, he was directed there apparently. … z2gGjsimcD

Residents of St Clement said better signage was needed to make it clear the road was unsuitable for long vehicles.

Rather than signage saying

unsuitable for long vehicles

Indicate the size of vehicle we all know that long has no real definition the same as wide load …there should be a max dimension or more simple place a max weight limit and also have all limits on a web file that anyone can tap into to check routes

That truck in the photo was not stuck due to sat nav, he was directed there apparently. … z2gGjsimcD

“the van” :smiley:

Nothing to do with sat -nav in that scenario

"A local resident said: “Somebody directed him down the hill and told him he could turn around and of course he could not. He tried but he got stuck.”

Perhaps the removal company management should have surveyed the job on street view in the first instance and noticed that its maybe not an area suitable for that size of vehicle and perhaps they should have sent a smaller vehicle instead. If i were given that job i would have done it myself and pointed it out to the office bods.

I do builders merchants work and come up against this kind of scenario often, hence always checking street view and weigh up all options before commencing any journey.

I do builders merchants work and come up against this kind of scenario often, hence always checking street view and weigh up all options before commencing any journey.

did that quite often when not sure of the location , good for pointers on what to look for I directions like such and such a pub

I thought Edmonds only did new furniture deliveries not removal, maybe I had been miss informed :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: