Sat nav on my laptop what do i need?

plz help im very confused i spent a lot of money on my laptop so i would like to use this instead of a pda or a specific unit …

Software, Could use autoroute but I dont think any versions talk you through the directions yet. There is one that I have used a couple of years ago that does give voice guidance It was an earlier version of this. You will also need a GPS receiver.These are about £50 upwards and connect to the usb port like this. When I used my laptop for this purpose it cost me just over £100 for the kit. You can get the two for this price

viamichelin software works on PC’s as well as PDA’s gives full voice guidance and GPS compatible. It’s availiable on Ebay quite cheap.

Once you have the software all you need is a GPS receiver, you can get one that plugs into your serial or USB port, or use bluetooth if your laptop has bluetooth

I opted for SatNav on my laptop…
Best investment i ever bought…

Correct map page always displayed…
Can be read on dark mornings/evenings…

Can watch DVD’s on nites out…
Got year planner software for charting nites out
Now i got a wireless adapter card i can even have the internet on the road…
MS AutoRoute gives me local Pubs / ATM’s etc etc, so it is well handy

Cant vouch for PDA’s never used 1…

Well recommend it…

Software, Could use autoroute but I dont think any versions talk you through the directions yet. There is one that I have used a couple of years ago that does give voice guidance It was an earlier version of this. You will also need a GPS receiver.These are about £50 upwards and connect to the usb port like this. When I used my laptop for this purpose it cost me just over £100 for the kit. You can get the two for this price

BRILLIANT!!! :smiley: I think this is the one for me…
My only question is will i be able to program it to avoid routes with low bridges and weight restrictions and if it does direct me to a weight or height restriction will i be able to get it to reroute me then and there■■?
Or is there lgv friendly patches available to buy or download■■?

The version I used would re-calculate the route if you did not follow it (if it took you towards a low bridge etc), and you can normally avoid certain roads by putting “Via” instructions in your routing. As far as I am aware there is still not any comprehensive database of weight limits, but there is a database of low bridges over on this site, look under downloads. Not sure how to import it into that programe (or even if you can). there is a guy on here who is also a mod over on that site (alix776) so it might be worth dropping him a PM to see what he can advise.


I use my laptop with MS Autoroute and combine it with the truckers atlas…
The atlas doesnt give weight limits only bridge heights on the main roads.

The back roads are not included. With Autoroute you can add these as you go…Likewise any weight limits you may encounter en route…

The fail safe here is the MK1 eyeball…!!!
Unless it says for loading/access only then you should be ok…

here r sevral recivers if you look round the site there maybe some software

here r sevral recivers if you look round the site there maybe some software

:question: :question: :confused: Ummm what am i meant to be looking at DM??

how very odd of me
missed the link off

as far i know there only a couple of nav systems they are info map navigator and destinator . there is also copilot live laptopbut if its any thing like the pda or smartphone version then id give it a miss speak a company like i know these poeple do know there stuff. as side thought the new autoroute is said to have voice directions so might be wor h a look also youll need an inverter to power the lappy and be careful where you mount it in the cab so it doesnt obstuct you vision

as for low bridges there is database on the site but its not comprehensive if you contact robinhood (i think it is) he has a database of lowbridges currently theres no mapping especially for us teleatlas are supposed to have some formof mapping comin out next year but dont hold your breath

sent robinhood a pm as yet no reply

Still no reply to my pm i can only assume it was not robinhood then…
any further thoughts on it alix776 ■■?

The last one on bridge heights is Ossies.
His is here, just a scroll down the index page :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley: .